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Everything posted by Catmaster

  1. I don't know, if Nelly & Bogdan packed their stuff and moved out. How many baggage did they take out when they left for vaccation? It wouldn't be the first time that Nelly & Bogdan went out to fill an empty appartment. You know we have 3 vacancies at this time. The other worry is, I do not give much faith into a relationship where Efim is envolved in. Let's see how it works out!
  2. The apartment ist now Under Maintenance. Why? Cleaning up the mess of Efim? ;-) ...are we up for a surprise?
  3. Efim is nuts! He is beating the sofa with a nunchaku like a retard!
  4. Rita shall move in there!!! :clap: :welcome: :hugnkiss: :clap:
  5. No, the "couple" before in the arrow apartment was even worse! :dwarf:
  6. Maybe...or they wait, if Adele likes RLC or leaves to rolling in the deep again.
  7. Her very personal tactic to block the cam... :nana:
  8. I think, this will be another all-girl-apartment and there are minimum 1 more girl to come for each apartment. I'm curious, if RLC will bring on the planed apartment in Canada and the house in the USA this year, too. :woohoo:
  9. ...and another time again, this apartment seems to go down. I liked Anna. The four girls seemed to bring this apartment back in the early day of its beginning. A group of girls having fun & going out together...only the boys were missing. Hopefully one or two new girls will arrive soon and stay longer.
  10. I look there from time to time. They can talk in private on the balcony, because there is no mic.
  11. No, it's the small room upstairs, that's missing from the floor plan, but it can be clearly seen in the corridor, especially from Layla's room - the door directly to the left! The small room downstairs is a toilet and therefore a taboo for cams according to RLC.
  12. Well, most of the girls don't spend much time in there, but a few girls actually use it to escape the cams...and these girls either do not stayed long with RLC.
  13. ThaT's no miracle! They don't care, because they don't have to pay the bills. :nana:
  14. The last secret of this flat is the mysterious laundry room. Let's ask RLC for a cam in there, too!
  15. Sick law, but could have the undercover intention, that authorities do not like to have financally independent women around.
  16. ...and there already is a hymn for Layla! ;) http://www.rtl2.de/musik/pop/4108000-blue-system-laila-directors-cut-official-video/
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