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Nina & Alan and Serena - Part #1

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1 minute ago, thedbear said:

We are going through stages. Today we had Nina, Serena, Joy and Edda in sex in the same environment. No exchanges;:cool:
We also had Nina's oral sex with Serena and Edda,:cool:

In the next stage, maybe tomorrow, we can have Serena's oral sexp in Nina and Edda. Maybe Alan's oral sex with Serena. ::)

And so it will.::)

Do you have any idea when we'll have DP in Nina or Serena?:cry:

i have a blanket on and she s blowing me. anybody doesnt believe me?

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5 minutes ago, Howard said:

I don't watch this channel often but I feel bad for the girl. She's throwing herself at him and he's but a dead fish. It's like watching Leora & Paul on RLC.

The place was doing fine before this blanket George apeared,I even defend him against some coments but now i have to say to those persons..you all 100% correct.

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