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Misty Part #1

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6 minutes ago, mic351 said:

Did anyone besides me notice that Lisa does not appear to inhale the cigarette smoke when she takes a drag?

It seems to me that everyone on here smokes, so it might be just a social thing for her, without ruining her lungs.

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6 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Getting crowded there:



Wow! Talking about Anna and surprises, I expect something special and meaningful from Anna and Alex at the premiere of the new apartment.:cool:
But a surprise at Lisa's debut here along with Misty, will really be a "surprise of surprise" to me.
Even more so if they really go ahead. After all we will be two couples there. Something still virgin for Misty's project.:heart:

Low expectations but anxieties in the clouds here.:biggrin:

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40 minutes ago, mic351 said:

Did anyone besides me notice that Lisa does not appear to inhale the cigarette smoke when she takes a drag?

I noticed that too, but i'm sure Mika did the same before she was pregnant.

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1 hour ago, gaelgamorkh said:

When I was young enough, they were around but 'everyone' labeled them as 'whores' and I was too scared of what people would say about me if I engaged with them. Now that I'm older and wiser, I couldn't care less what other people would think. Sadly, as evident on here, these judgments are still alive today. If Misty was my neighbor today, I would totally flirt with her, she looks to be lots of fun to be with.

Same here. When I look back, I feel like I was the world's biggest idiot, because of all the missed opportunities. Today, like you, I couldn't care less what the rest of the world thinks about me.

Anyway, there are now two lovely girls and two boys. I hope they don't end up too drunk to have some fun later on.

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