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Misty Part #1

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it is definitely a sex site. but i found this site & others because i was looking for porn, not reallife cooking, cleaning, watching tv, etc. from what i've gathered rlc may have started out mostly as a reallife type of site with a little routine sex & nudity but the concept changed when vv came onboard & pushed more sex. then everyone realized that sex was going to make more money. 1 of these sites can put cams in my house but the 50% that they receive isn't going to be much if i don't start fucking a lot more. i don't know what the percentage of people viewing these site that want to see sex vs the percentage that wants to see reallife is but i'd bet sex will be a lot higher!

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8 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Yep, it's watching managers make money off of the trade of their friends sex lives in exchange for money and housing. #nomanagers 


15 minutes ago, Maturin said:

Nail on the head.  This is a bullshit way to operate.  Is everyone seriously OK with the fact that Misty needs to find regular sexual partners to fuck her live on cam otherwise she will not reach her targets and be evicted?  What about the couples who are worried that they are not getting regular ratings so will end up with no place to live?

This isn't "watching real people in real homes in the real time," - this is fucked up.

Guys - we have REAL PEOPLE! In the apartment - Stacy, Xenia, Leo, Gary & Dora. Enjoy!:heart::rolleyes:

Which again does not like? Do you require them to either act or close the apartment? And we again come to the need - a manager who will pressure them. Make them do something ...

To Misty comes a guy who fucks under the blanket. And 2-3 pages of angry posts. But 2/3 of people and without cameras fucked under blankets ... And we again come to the fact that the manager must intervene.

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7 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Yep, it's watching managers make money off of the trade of their friends sex lives in exchange for money and housing. #nomanagers 

I remenber saying three weeks ago that if this was in another country (France, uk, usa.....) the police (taxman) would already been investigating. Someone here responded by saying we were not in america. 


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1 minute ago, golfer06 said:

it is definitely a sex site. but i found this site & others because i was looking for porn, not reallife cooking, cleaning, watching tv, etc. from what i've gathered rlc may have started out mostly as a reallife type of site with a little routine sex & nudity but the concept changed when vv came onboard & pushed more sex. then everyone realized that sex was going to make more money. 1 of these sites can put cams in my house but the 50% that they receive isn't going to be much if i don't start fucking a lot more. i don't know what the percentage of people viewing these site that want to see sex vs the percentage that wants to see reallife is but i'd bet sex will be a lot higher!

It's not the sex/reallife debate for me, it's people being pressured into doing things by other people - "managers," that don't bring anything extra to the project except put stress on human beings with the ultimate censure of being able to evict them if they do not meet their targets.

This is pretty much the definition of sex trafficking -  compelling people to perform in certain ways or a penalty will be served.

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I want Misty doing this on her own without a manager. I want every tenant striking their own deal with VH. That's what I expect. It's fair and honest. You guys don't have any idea what these managers are doing behind their curtain. They are corrupt and are taking advantage of their friends. 

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4 minutes ago, Maturin said:

It's not the sex/reallife debate for me, it's people being pressured into doing things by other people - "managers," that don't bring anything extra to the project except put stress on human beings with the ultimate censure of being able to evict them if they do not meet their targets.

This is pretty much the definition of sex trafficking -  compelling people to perform in certain ways or a penalty will be served.

Couldn't have said better myself. #nomanagers

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Oh goody the managers or not managers discussion again. Personally I dont care as long participants not complaining... And saying managers dont pay taxes and are corrupt... Well I wont say that as this are serious accusations I wont make without any hard evidence...::)

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3 minutes ago, groomy said:


Guys - we have REAL PEOPLE! In the apartment - Stacy, Xenia, Leo, Gary & Dora. Enjoy!:heart::rolleyes:

Which again does not like? Do you require them to either act or close the apartment? And we again come to the need - a manager who will pressure them. Make them do something ...

To Misty comes a guy who fucks under the blanket. And 2-3 pages of angry posts. But 2/3 of people and without cameras fucked under blankets ... And we again come to the fact that the manager must intervene.

So it's fine for you because some people in certain apartments are doing thing you like?  It's still sex trafficking or pimping, call it what you want.

We've all been watching these types of sites for long enough to know that some individuals/couples are a good fit for this sort of thing and naturally have a lot of sex and nudity and get good ratings - good on them for doing that and I would be watching them more than the SXLGDS - however...

This whole concept of a manger intervening is pretty sick.  Intervene to do what? Make them fuck more? Have more parties? Plan an evening of spin the bottle, so that the manager can get more money from the work of the tenants?  If that's they way things are going (it obviously is) then they need to take the "voyeur" out of their name.

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