jabbath1987 Posted August 27, 2017 Author Posted August 27, 2017 1 minute ago, golfer06 said: not only is blanketboy, well, blanketboy but he also is extremely boring!!!! 0 521 kB Hes a living sleeping pill 1
gaelgamorkh Posted August 27, 2017 Posted August 27, 2017 56 minutes ago, Amy3 said: AlexLina aren't the only managers. Also, as beloved as they are by you all, don't forget it was them who set up a sub manager, who then stole money from the tenants at the compound. You don't know a thing about Jeka, much less the new manager who is running Alan and Nina. No, VH did not really take responsibility for what happened in the compound they placed the blame squarely on AlexLina. You can wrap VH's good intentioned promise around yourself like a warm blanket, but the truth is, none of you know the real story and you should keep a skeptical eye always open to the possibility of wrong doing across several levels. I like the word "pimping". Yes, this is what the managers are doing essentially. Pimping out their friends for profit. Hate me all you want, but it's the truth and I don't like it one bit. So, this idea that Misty needs Anna and Alex. Bullshit she does.she could have easily gone to VH and set this whole thing up herself and earned 100% of her 50% cut. What you think Misty is too stupid to rent an apt and let VH lease cams to her? It's all so complicated that stupid as Misty needs Anna and Alex to do this for her, meanwhile taking a cut for themselves, not to mention the targets she now HAS to meet to stay. This model doesn't pass the smell test and has the possibility for corruption written all over it. VH > Tenant > Subsriber My 2 cents on this: Of course the tenants can do it themselves, but only if they are given insight into how it actually works. Would you tell your staff that they could set up their own business, thus rendering yourself useless? Of course not, so you need to keep the illusion that you are indispensable. I'd wager that none of the tenants know anything about the process outside of the contracts, and very few of them have read and understood all of it. All they know is that they have gotten a huge (presumably) upgrade on their lives, and all they have to give in return is sex on camera. Whatever the managers tell them would be gospel. VH are encouraging managers, because they felt the immense pressure that occurred when they could not recruit new tenants themselves. Happens at all companies with short-to-mid term employment. It even removes them from blame when shit happens, like when two couples under the same managers were so severely underpaid that they contemplated or attempted to steal equipment. But I'm sure that was purely coincidental, as those managers (and co-tenants EL) are still in the project. TL;DR: Pull the rug from under the managers, and VHTV would be no more. The snake that bites its own tail.
Arkay2 Posted August 27, 2017 Posted August 27, 2017 3 hours ago, jabbath1987 said: Sorry if off topic. But what does your avatar pic mean? Always wondered about that Hi @jabbath1987 . The avatar is 'Danbo' which is a fictional cardboard box robot from Japanese manga films. It is also a piece of 'collectable' merchandising and I happen to own one. It can be found styled with either plain cardboard boxes or with Amazon shipping boxes. I have added an image of a 'naked' model below (it is CC so it had to be naked ). They are photographed and displayed online in many differing scenes and scenarios. Just do a Google or Bing image search for 'Danbo' to see the inventiveness of some photographers. I chose the avatar image as it was self contained and fitted in the circular CC photo frame well. 2
jabbath1987 Posted August 27, 2017 Author Posted August 27, 2017 1 minute ago, Arkay2 said: Hi @jabbath1987 . The avatar is 'Danbo' which is a fictional cardboard box robot from Japanese manga films. It is also a piece of 'collectable' merchandising and I happen to own one. It can be found styled with either plain cardboard boxes or with Amazon shipping boxes. I have added an image of a 'naked' model below (it is CC so it had to be naked ). They are photographed and displayed online in many differing scenes and scenarios. Just do a Google or Bing image search for 'Danbo' to see the inventiveness of some photographers. I chose this particular image as it was self contained and fitted in the circular CC photo frame well. 0 15.59 kB Haha crazy but nice and funny idea 1
golfer06 Posted August 27, 2017 Posted August 27, 2017 12 minutes ago, mic351 said: I've been thinking about this apartment. I don't know why but I have been. I have decided that at best this apartment is a "C". I, like everybody else had high hopes for this place given the lifestyle Misty says she enjoys. But think about it. Over half the guys that come over are "blanket boys". A few of the others are downright brutal. A couple of the others are 60-second boys. Indeed, I can remember only one that gave a shit about her feelings and could last long enough to see that maybe she orgasms too. In fact one night Lisa saved the night and on a recent night Bree , Alex and Drew saved the night. Think about, Alex's apartment more sexy than Misty's??!! According to Groomy she is paid a percentage and according to James from VH they count the clicks so she must know these blanket boys are hurting her pocket book. Perhaps she doesn't care. All I know is I may defend her lifestyle but I simply can't say this is a premier apartment like say, Violet and Jeff. End of rant... totally agree. she has picked up a bunch of losers so far. i understand that she feels comfortable with blanketboy for some reason but he should only come over after she has allready messed around with somebody that actually wants to be there. groomy said that he doesn't approve of her lifestyle so maybe he is purposely trying to make sure that she doesn't bring that many guys home. it also looks like he is trying to make sure that as few people as possible watch her. so far for me it's working cause i am not going to watch kenny jr ruin my evening. i don't know what it will take but this guy has got to go!!!!
mic351 Posted August 27, 2017 Posted August 27, 2017 2 minutes ago, golfer06 said: totally agree. she has picked up a bunch of losers so far. i understand that she feels comfortable with blanketboy for some reason but he should only come over after she has allready messed around with somebody that actually wants to be there. groomy said that he doesn't approve of her lifestyle so maybe he is purposely trying to make sure that she doesn't bring that many guys home. it also looks like he is trying to make sure that as few people as possible watch her. so far for me it's working cause i am not going to watch kenny jr ruin my evening. i don't know what it will take but this guy has got to go!!!! As another one of the 3.5%. I totally agree with you..
eagleb1 Posted August 28, 2017 Posted August 28, 2017 2 hours ago, Russ said: Blanket boy and disco lights, I will be glad when CasaHot comes back on Please don't take this personally @Russ. I just picked your post randomly as an example of the faux voyeur posts that disgust me.. I assume the blanket boy name calling refers to tonight's guy who was on the sleep sofa with Misty a few nights ago. As a freeloader, I was grateful that they decided to go to bed on the free camera rather than the bedroom cam that I can't see. I don't know how well they know each other, but they seemed very comfortable together. They got into bed under a light cover and cuddled as I have with my wife just about every night for over 50 years. And do you know what, sometimes it leads to sex and sometimes just cuddling. Have you ever been in a relationship where that happens? If it does lead to sex, are you even aware of where the blanket is? I'm surprised you didn't comment on how little time the actual sex took. Sometimes, both parties are comfortable with spontaneous sex after whatever foreplay they have. As I'm watching this right now, he's giving her a non-sexual massage. I don't think we'll be surprised where it ends up. This is the closest thing to voyeurism I've seen here.
mic351 Posted August 28, 2017 Posted August 28, 2017 8 minutes ago, eagleb1 said: Please don't take this personally @Russ. I just picked your post randomly as an example of the faux voyeur posts that disgust me.. I assume the blanket boy name calling refers to tonight's guy who was on the sleep sofa with Misty a few nights ago. As a freeloader, I was grateful that they decided to go to bed on the free camera rather than the bedroom cam that I can't see. I don't know how well they know each other, but they seemed very comfortable together. They got into bed under a light cover and cuddled as I have with my wife just about every night for over 50 years. And do you know what, sometimes it leads to sex and sometimes just cuddling. Have you ever been in a relationship where that happens? If it does lead to sex, are you even aware of where the blanket is? I'm surprised you didn't comment on how little time the actual sex took. Sometimes, both parties are comfortable with spontaneous sex after whatever foreplay they have. As I'm watching this right now, he's giving her a non-sexual massage. I don't think we'll be surprised where it ends up. This is the closest thing to voyeurism I've seen here. Since VHis a voyeur site and since you don't pay for the site your comment(s) don't really carry alot of weight with me. Try paying for something you don't get and see how you comment then. Some subscribers pay almost $100 every quarter for a"Voyeur House". Mind you, a website which it own founders say if the participants do not perform they will be kicked out. Furthermore, this was a girl who came with great promise. We were told she loved the "swinging lifestyle". We have seen her perform and we know what she can do. She gets paid a percentage of what the apartment makes and what it makes is apparently paid for by the same paying subscribers who feel they have a right to complain, since they are paying to view her. Congratulations on being married 50-years. I to have been in a relationship for along time and do not believe you can equate 50-years with a swinger who most likely hasn't known their partner for the night that long. If she wants to stay under the blankets, and if she wants to spend the night cuddling, then perhaps she should try working at another site. Like "Justin Tv". Or even RLC (Although they too have a tendency to bitch at RLC when what they paid for is not delivered). BTW, if she forms a loving relationship with this guy, bless her and more power to her! I just question working at this website while being in a relationship where both partners are not exhibitionists. 1
mic351 Posted August 28, 2017 Posted August 28, 2017 But I will also say this. blanket Boy seems to be more considerate and caring for her than the host of assholes she's had there. He's just not right for this site... 1
Chip2020 Posted August 28, 2017 Posted August 28, 2017 I think that this guy might be Misty's boyfriend. Maybe the other guys are for earning a paycheck on VH, but this one is personal and neither of them seem to care what we think about them or how they have sex or anything else for that matter. Maybe she really cares about this one. JMHO.
mic351 Posted August 28, 2017 Posted August 28, 2017 1 minute ago, Chip2020 said: I think that this guy might be Misty's boyfriend. The other guys are for earning a paycheck on VH, but this one is personal and neither of them seem to care what we think about them or how they have sex or anything else for that matter. Maybe she really care about this one. JMHO. I do not believe the "other guys" are earning a dime to be on cam at VH. I think they are guys she has met. Remember, she is a swinger (allegedly) and belongs to a # of clubs (again, allegedly). Would they have to pay you to be with her?
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