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Lisa & Em - Part #1

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2 hours ago, Arkay2 said:

I see Lisa has decided where to put the 'wood'!

Edit: 'plant' not 'wood'. What was I thinking? ::)


I think to keep it simple the tree canbe called groot. :biggrin:

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19 hours ago, Arkay2 said:

Well for those of you familiar with 'The Big Bang Theory' (TV show not the science) I shall likely be 'AFK' for up to a couple of days so make sure anything exciting gets reported and/or archived. I'm attending a reunion and (for some reason) it is shared accommodation so signing onto CC or VHTV may not be the best idea, but if chance permits then I will be online. Everyone enjoy yourselves (but not too much, I shall be jealous).

For those of you thinking WTF is AFK then it is an acronym for 'away from keyboard' meaning not actively online. It was made famous by the character Sheldon Cooper in the aforementioned TV show.

Goodnight Lisa (you're looking good), goodnight all CC'ers 


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I like Lisa and would like to see her succeed. She seems lonely today.

It's not her fault. She was promised an apt. with James but things didn't go that way and now she most find a solution for herself. It will not be easy, she needs some help.

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