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Lisa & Em - Part #1

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1 hour ago, pahman said:

Lisa stopped searching for the right guy the day she decided to start fucking with multiple guys to save her place, after resisting so long. 

I believe she brought Lewis back not because she expects love from him but to have a regular fucker in her apt.

One thing i noticed last night is that Lisa asked Lewis to go to the Loggia when  he arrived, waked up Em, Em came to the loggia and they started talking about sex. They went later in the sleeping room and Lewis tried to fuck Em while Lisa was in the bathroom.

The way Lisa was talking to Em made me think she wanted Em to have sex with Lewis.



He certainly did try to get in Em's panties but she wasnt buying it for a second

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1 hour ago, miscvoyeur said:

You actually never said this. BTW, it's "you're." 


1. I never said that I could or would never be in a relationship with a single woman. It is quite possible to only date one woman and have sex with others (ie: Alex, Henry, Drew, Grisha, Tim, Jeka, Layne.. and also Nina, Edda, Anna, Bree). I mainly stated that I could nor would never only have sex with only one.

2. Again I bring up Misty who also is incapable of being in a relationship with a single man. You can't make blanket statements like this without encompassing all that it falls under. This is the problem with your broad assumptions about things you know very little about. 

I think you stated the facts extremely well while pointing out the blind insinuations and assumptions made against you by the two a's--You really open yourself up to their verbal attempts to degrade you when you disagree with their opinion----and later down the line when your opinion is proven right you will never receive "I guess i was wrong about that from them"

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Lisa is the only person who knows who is right about anything we say about her. Rather then making a concise argument, things tend to become much larger, general issues that pull in other tenants and past events as if that has any relevance whatsoever. The question at hand is whether or not Lisa wants to have casual sex for views or whether or not she wants to find true love and a steady boyfriend. Then, the next question that follows is this, how does Lewis fit into the answer to that question. Leave the personal attacks out of the equation and focus on these questions and therein lies the truth of the matter and rest is just nonsense. 

Or we can bicker about grammar errors and typos and sling mud.

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