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Violet & Jeff Part #1

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can anyone tell me what Violet was doing on the couch by the door tonight? she was waiving her cell phone at various parts of her anatomy.  what does she do with that video?  does she have an account she uploads it to? thanks


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6 hours ago, happyboy said:

может ли кто-нибудь сказать мне, что Вайолет делала сегодня на диване у двери? она отказывалась от своего мобильного телефона в разных частях ее анатомии. что она делает с этим видео? у нее есть учетная запись, она она загружает? благодаря


Hi. I took a photo for our with Jeff collection. I add a photo to our Twitter::)

you can see them here  :heart: https://twitter.com/JeffViolet2?s=17

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7 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

Maybe Tomi has fleas,  all Violet has to do is use flea shampoo on Tomi

Yes that was the word I was looking for,he seems to have fleas,an special shampoo or some other medicine will work and Tomi will feel better.

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