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il y a 2 minutes, snag a dit :

en fait, il l'a frappé environ 10 fois, entre les coups serrés de son cou dans ses mains ..

I saw him slapping Nina once. That's why I intervened on the forum. and I regret some comment that trivializes the violence.

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6 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

So can anybody please give me an update what started all this? What was the trigger? Was not home and did not watch. 

Sorry mate, can't help you on this one... just can talk for the images i saw, the posts i read from who watch it, the nina screams and serena crying a lot (don't know about what)

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3 minutes ago, thedbear said:

Okay, I stopped here. I see that Nina and Alan are now in bed talking. Peacefully, as they were before in the shower until everything collapsed.

Help, will it be that I'm only in Defcom?

What? Sorry bear your posts lately are really really hard to understand. 

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37 minutes ago, thedbear said:

Well official, the bathroom timeline is out of line.
Technical problems?
The important thing is that they left alive. Analyze all you want then

I think whenever VH has to censor the timeline every subscriber should get at least 1 free extra day added to their account. 

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It doesn't matter what it's about or who started it this is solely about him slapping her a man should never hit a woman no matter what so this is the second time this has happened how many more times does he have to do this for god sake before he gets kicked out does he have to kill her then get kicked out this is serious stuff sort this lad out ALAN out 

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2 minutes ago, suckier44 said:

It doesn't matter what it's about or who started it this is solely about him slapping her a man should never hit a woman no matter what so this is the second time this has happened how many more times does he have to do this for god sake before he gets kicked out does he have to kill her then get kicked out this is serious stuff sort this lad out ALAN out 

Well it does matter to me. We dont need to argue what Alan did is clearly wrong. But I wanna know how the situation escalated to that point...

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8 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

What? Sorry bear your posts lately are really really hard to understand. 

I assume that almost always had that problem with his posts... guess it's because the translation 

That's why i always try to write in english (yes, i know that maybe difficult for most of us here) .. i don'' trust on automatic translations.. 

But i guess on here for him it's weird that alan and nina was normally at bed talking like nothing had happen .. and he's asking if he is the only one to thing that's weird

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