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Nina & Alan and Serena - Part #2

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7 minutes ago, SPYING 1 said:

Why in the hell would Alan leave when there's two horny ladies playing with each other ???????????


Well that will be next we already know. After Serena, it will be Nina's turn with Alan, as standard. And it will not fail. Also as standard.

So by all the holy names, what hinders or blocks you from just joining with them. Give your cock to Serena to suck on minimal example.

Nina is there with him and giving full support and encouragement to this.
Seriously, what's his problem now?

Who can be indifferent to this?

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13 minutes ago, suckier44 said:

he left cause he cant handle 2 girls at the same time he is not man enough for it  crazy  if you ask me 

It may even be, but we know that it accounts for the situation.
He just really needs to try. Just this . With will and not undecided how little it was.

Nina and Serena are great. He just needs to give Serena, now, 40% of what he devotes to Nina. And 40% would already be unfair because Serena deserves her 100% too.

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