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This is what they say on their newsletter.


This year we will introduce two new websites, creating a Network out of VHTV. One website will be dedicated to lesbian-only apartment, and the other one - to gay apartments.

I didn't read that any other way as it would happen in 2017.

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2 minutes ago, stanley said:

This is what they say on their newsletter.

I didn't read that any other way as it would happen in 2017.

I know but you have to remember English probably isn't their first language, so translation is always a little muddled.

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They should get someone who's language is English to proof read all their announcements first.

I don't want a separate gay site so if it turns out not to start until next year or the year after that, then the further away the better.

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25 minutes ago, stanley said:

I don't think Freddie is in any danger at all. Sometime in the next 8 weeks VHTV is going to launch a gay website and they are going to need gay apartments to do that. With Chad and Todd on the verge of meltdown, Freddie is in a strong position. They just need to find him a housemate.

Agree,Freddy sinse day one seems an good VH resident,no shy of cams,communicates with users from time to time,wishe one others houses a lot residents were as good as he is(in my opinion).

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1 minute ago, stanley said:

They should get someone who's language is English to proof read all their announcements first.

I don't want a separate gay site so if it turns out not to start until next year or the year after that, then the further away the better.

Sadly seems going to be that way..three diferent sites..maybe till then things will change,but think will be pay for one site or other..or the other.Or pay less for some pack..but Probrably more..than we are paying now.Really hope to be wrong.But that's what I understanded from their last post.

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7th Oct is when he moved in, so maybe his 1 month trial is nearly over and they want him to sign a new contract. When Jeson was talking to the guest in English he said he was there for a month and then it would be reviewed, so likely Freddie is on the same.

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2 minutes ago, mib82 said:

I hope he will not leave the project :(

I wouldn't worry yet, we don't actually know what that contact is for.  It could be unrelated, maybe his insurance papers.  Maybe he bought a boat and that is his deed!  Or maybe he found a roommate and is looking at his contract for reference.  

Until he starts packing, I am not worried about anything 

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