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Mira & Henry Part #1 of 3


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17 minutes ago, groomy said:

Anna&Alex&Mira&Henry - busy today.:shy:

Breaking news!
Gentlemen prefer blondes. Greet cute blonde singer-girl Betty and her producer husband Rick. New realm coming soon.

Imediatly tought it was an couple that was in layne house place and the place would be layne old house,Gess I was wrong.

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1 minute ago, Amy3 said:

Never mind! I was going to say how I feel about it, but I've said enough. Have fun! I'll be over here cringing and trying to avoid throwing up! :sick:

I know what you mean. But the past told us that @Mira&Henry were always okay with things happening. So to me it's just interesting how it will unfold. It's a strange relationship for sure but interesting.

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