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Mira & Henry Part #1 of 3


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1 hour ago, Amy3 said:


Sorry for being a rude, annoying bitch last night. Forgive me. Sometimes I forget when to just walk away. I'm sorry! 💗

It was not you who was bitchen this time Amy.
Mira and Darcie do not like each other clearly.
Mira is a definite woman she knows what she wants.
Hope it will be better in the future.
Thanks for yesterday Mira Henry for trying.:heart:

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they are human not sex machine we want many things from them everyone has a desire and fantasy eveyone speaks pls let them alone we want not see drama ı die for yr eye tears mira pls do not ı am really sorry when ı see you crying

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1 minute ago, MajorVoyeur said:

Language barrier unfortunately, but both were in bath with Henry talking calmly to Mira. He got out & left. She went into tear mode.

 i agree, Russian language do not help to understand .. i hope @groomy can help us to understand ::)

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the matter some people complained mira has not joined last night sex . manager or vhtv  warned mira. she is unhappy and sad because of our high expectations

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