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Mira & Henry Part #1 of 3

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Just a quick message to all the housemates on VH, and all the posters on Camcaps..
I've enjoyed 2017, enjoyed watching the cams and bouncing off all you regular posters on Camcaps.
Hope you all have had a wonderful Christmas, and as the year comes to an end, wish you all love, peace, happiness and good health in 2018.
Take care everyone.

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this is turning out to be really intriguing...this party has now been going on for many hours, apart from regular smoke breaks, nothing of any descernable interest has happened.
Henry....my friend...next time you glance at the computer in the loggia..take some advice from your many fans who watch you and Mira and love you guys..
Make something happen..give us who watch you for hours something remotely interesting.
maybe take Mira's hand and have a slow seductive dance, maybe that would make your guests join in and the party would start.
I'm not being downbeat.. but You and Mira in full on sex mode is sooooooo exciting to watch.
Thank you Henry..in anticipation.

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