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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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12 hours ago, West_California said:

OT Luci & Kust:

Gimme, Gimme Dat Ding Ah...
Gimme Dat, Gimme Dat 
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Dat 
Gimme Dat Ding, Gimme Dat 
Gimme, Gimme Dat, Gimme Dat Ding
Gimme Dat, Gimme, Gimme Dat,
Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Dat Ding (Oh Sing it one more time Momma)

Thats an oldie WC.... back in the day:blush:

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10 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

LMAO yes you are Naga!!

I was told it was dismal at best.  Poor body positions due to poor cam angles along with piss poor lighting.  Leia kept her panties on the whole time, and from what I heard you couldn't see anything that was happening up by their heads 98% of the time.  I was told if they would have done it for them and not for you all, it would have been much better!!  There was the normal laughter the girls always have when they are doing something like that which just emphasizes how silly it really was.  My friend gave it a 4 out of 10 stars.

He also said the bate by Karol afterwards was the typical........I'm going to let them know I'm rubbing it but I'm not going to show shit if I can help it "Karol Tease"!!

Like I have said before, it's all in the eye's of the beholder!!  Most of the time this is what I expect to read from you and others after nothing has happened that's been worth a damn!  You all are so hungry for something worth wild to happen, that whenever anything happens it was "absolutely superb"..........tell me honestly that that isn't the truth!!

I watched it and you are 100% correct..  All this girls know the angle of the cams  and that is why they pose their bodies different  directions away from the cam.. Really a big disappointment   but that is what RLC is known for..

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7 hours ago, ur10intung69 said:

I have a question. At B2, I've been noticing that when Bea uses the toilet in her room, whether it's pooping or peeing, she doesn't wipe. Or, at least, I've never seen it. I've hit replay several times. Does she, or not?

When she poops, she wipes and washes her hands, but when she pees, she does neither. It is not just her, but it seems to be the habbit of many girls.

Also, Bea often pees half standing up.

I happen to have alittle interest in such things, looking for wierd things.

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8 hours ago, happyone said:

Maybe Harley's expert friend of the action that happens in RLC  will tell him so he can let you know :dodgy:

(Although he probably will only rate it a #1 or #2) :wink:

You make my side hurt with laughter H1.  I did see the massage after I wrote what I wrote to Naga and based on the massage I watched, I would have given it a 6 out of 10 stars......like I said earlier, different strokes for different folks!!

My friend only watches 4 or 5 apartments but if something interesting shows up from what I read on the forum, I will ask him to have a look at it and let me know what he thought.

Have a good day H1 and Merry Christmas Naga :)

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1 hour ago, otep43 said:

I watched it and you are 100% correct..  All this girls know the angle of the cams  and that is why they pose their bodies different  directions away from the cam.. Really a big disappointment   but that is what RLC is known for..

I watched years and years worth of RLC and they are very familiar with body position and lighting to show the least amount possible.  One of the reasons I quit subbing to them.  I got tired of all the poor body positions, blankets of bubbles in the bath tubs, piss poor lighting which distorts the video streams even more, covering up when stuff would happen or just plain hiding from the cameras (I'm really surprised nobody mentioned the drug use in B2 last night), I guess it just doesn't matter to anyone anymore on reporting all of what is happening in the apartments instead of just the things that make the tenants look good!

The weeks upon weeks of waiting for anything to happen, that was more interesting than a Caterpillar crawling across the floor!  Of course I'm only speaking for the renaissance apartments of Barcelona and the one apartment of KK&K.

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