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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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1 hour ago, timber said:

I think Diane had a phone conversation in English a while back where she mentioned going home for New Years to visit her mother, so if she leaves it may just be for a few days.

If Bea's leaving, I honestly hope they don't replace her. The shared-room tradition is dumb and makes it less likely that the girls in the room will do anything interesting (though to Bea's credit it didn't stop her). 

I think rlc does it so people will think there are a couple of lesbians there that was my first impression when I saw 2 girls name in one bedroom when they first started up b1 needless to say I was disapionted

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30 minutes ago, bud2966 said:

looks as if roxy and asty are packing their bags :biggrin: now if the twins would start to pack to 

and that gos for karol to if all she going to do is the tease and hide undercovers like we all know she is the best at  i  :heart: karol but her old teases is just that old

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