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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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9 hours ago, djoko00 said:

polya will be in barcelona tomorrow or the day after , and for sure to replace some of the girls either in B1 OR B2

I haven't been able to login yet and I'm giving it until Sunday and if nothing happens by then I will demand my money back and slap myself for ever even trying!!   Now....with that said, if I do start watching again I hope Polya is NOWHERE in sight!!  Sorry Polya fans........she does absolutely nothing for me!!!

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5 hours ago, thomas979 said:

was that real or fake between renata and victoria last night cuz it sure looked fake to me like they were trying out for a skinemax movie, she wasn't even using her fingers at all like she did with regina and sher

From what I was told it was not real as far as the going down part that is.  I was told it was just something to through at the viewers for all their time spent away.  I'm really having second thoughts about ever wanting to join RLC again!!


3 hours ago, CowArt said:

I was on the first half of her first tour yes. She was great with Irma & Ilona. After they were gone, we got intoduced to the Polya we all know too well now... out all the time with zero interest in the project. I'm still confused about why RLC brought her back, and why for five months. Maybe a lack of available girls, but an empty guestroom would have been less annoying than a room that is just used from daft 'o clock until the early evening to sleep and get ready to go out again.

Amen CowArt!!

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50 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

I haven't been able to login yet and I'm giving it until Sunday and if nothing happens by then I will demand my money back and slap myself for ever even trying!!   Now....with that said, if I do start watching again I hope Polya is NOWHERE in sight!!  Sorry Polya fans........she does absolutely nothing for me!!!

Polya fans? After her last tour, I think it will be hard enough to find one Polya fan, even more unlikely fans in plural....

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