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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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4 minutes ago, lucasfrench59 said:

Harleyfatboy  bonsoir peut être que  Nora est revenus avec des gars 

Good evening to you Lucas.  Who knows what they are doing but to do it at night is just strange in my opinion.  I don't watch RLC so I have no idea of how the day went in B4 or what was going on prior to the UM.  It just seems strange to take it down late in the evening!!

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1 minute ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Buenas noches Lucas. Que sabe lo que están haciendo, pero al hacerlo por la noche es simplemente extraño en mi opinión. No ver la RLC así que no tengo idea de cómo fue el día en B4 o lo que estaba ocurriendo antes de la UM. Sólo parece extraño que la bajara tarde en la noche !!

I have no idea, either, what happened, but reading the comments in the forums (or the lack of comments), suggests, that neither is anything special happening in that particular house.

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Just now, vortios said:

I have no idea, either, what happened, but reading the comments in the forums (or the lack of comments), suggests, that neither is anything special happening in that particular house.

You could be right but you never know with RLC!!!  All I have to say is that other apartments have had maintenance work going on and were never taken off line.  I was told just the other day that Stesha's apartment had a couple of different maintenance guys doing work in it and it never went UM.  Don't believe it every time that when they take an apartment UM, that they are actually doing maintenance repair.  Over the years I have personally seen it where that was just not the case!!

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5 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

Usted podría estar en lo cierto, pero nunca se sabe con RLC !!! Todo lo que tengo que decir es que otros apartamentos han tenido trabajos de mantenimiento pasando y nunca fueron tomadas fuera de línea. Me dijeron el otro día que el apartamento de Stesha tenía un par de diferentes tipos de mantenimiento que hace el trabajo en ella y que nunca fue UM. No lo crea cada vez que cuando toman un apartamento UM, que en realidad están haciendo reparaciones de mantenimiento. A través de los años he visto personalmente en que era sólo el caso !!

Personally, and not for that reason I mean, that all the strange people that have been able to pass through the houses (other than what we know) are
Emergency service at Taya's house
The girl cleaning in B2
The police in the house that closed, after that party a bit strange
The mounts in the house of K & K
And the maintenance at Stesha's house ...
Sure I can be wrong, but that's right now what I remember ... maybe more people can remember more people.
Other people, like the police in B2, were heard, but never appeared on the screen (because they never entered the house)

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1 hour ago, HarleyFatboy said:

You could be right but you never know with RLC!!!  All I have to say is that other apartments have had maintenance work going on and were never taken off line.  I was told just the other day that Stesha's apartment had a couple of different maintenance guys doing work in it and it never went UM.  Don't believe it every time that when they take an apartment UM, that they are actually doing maintenance repair.  Over the years I have personally seen it where that was just not the case!!


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1 hour ago, HarleyFatboy said:

You could be right but you never know with RLC!!!  All I have to say is that other apartments have had maintenance work going on and were never taken off line.  I was told just the other day that Stesha's apartment had a couple of different maintenance guys doing work in it and it never went UM.  Don't believe it every time that when they take an apartment UM, that they are actually doing maintenance repair.  Over the years I have personally seen it where that was just not the case!!

So you were on of the people allowed in the apartment during UM and personally saw what was happening :dodgy:

  And we are supposed to believe what you say about anything??


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