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Leora & Paul - General Chat Comments & Quotes (2017)

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55 minutes ago, bean1111 said:

Famous last words well see.

There is more to being 'The Goddess ", than laying around, or walking around sans panties. Julia and Eric, most likely will not be a part of RLC a year from now. Let alone soon to be four years that Leora and Paul have stood the test of time. Still at the pinnacle of the RLC apartments.

When is the last time Julia was observed putting makeup on ? Leaving the house, or staying in Leora " ALWAYS", takes the time to look her best, for herself and her viewing audience.

Every one is entitled to an opinion, but look at the list of archived couples since June 28, 2013. Each has their own reason for not being part of RLC. How many of the women teased us with nudity. Nudity alone will not hold our attention through the test of time, and has been called boring by many in the CC's forums over the years.

There has never been a more complex combination of personalities, nor likely will be, than the personalities, and the multitude of talents that Leora, and Paul have, and have graciously became part of, not only RLC, but also to the many, many of their fans lives.  ::)


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3 hours ago, bean1111 said:

Famous last words well see.

It would be wise to remember that this is supposed to be a reality situation the tenants live in, not a performing circus, most of the girls in the other apartments from what I can gather are not living a genuine life but are bits of decoration to titivate the masses. Leora on the other hand, along with possibly a couple of other tenants is a genuine person. Educated to a very high degree, artistic, good housekeeper, and superbly hygienic , who has been in a strong relationship with her man for around six years. Because they are normal they experience all the emotions other couples endure in thier lives, happiness, sorrow, fears, laughter, tears......plus other problems we as mortals do not experience, they are constantly under observation by people who normally only have one thing on thier mind and that is sex, and if the masses appetite is not satisfied constantly they start to turn on the supplier of thier satisfaction,  by criticizing or comparing and sometimes with no consideration for that persons feelings. Leora is not a performing animal,she is a very nice and kind human being who should be respected not just for her great ass and firm tits, but for the person inside, that most people overlook in thier pursuit of sexual satisfaction. She doesn't compete with anyone,she doesn't have to.She hasn't survived in this situation over the years by trying to be something she is not, what you see is what you get......an all round very nice human being, and as far as I'm concerned whatever mood she is in is her business and not mine or anyone else's. 

I like to have an occasional rant in defense of the lovely girl, she deserves everyone's support when she is down, not criticism. 

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Leora is the Goddess.

Nora is the Queen.

They cannot erase history. They cannot abdicate. The love of their devoted followers is eternal, and their flames of devotion cannot be extinguished.

Julia is interesting as all hell. Quite a complex enigma, as have been Leora and Nora. Perhaps she will win a place. She just needs a bit more time. But it will be her own place. But she's real, and that's important.


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I have no idea where she is. Judging by the state of the place I imagine she is still at home although the TV isn't on. She's maybe asleep because I thought I saw her awake at 6 o'clock her time.

Well no thumbs of the BeR just the GR so I am guessing she must be out although normally she takes time to leave and keeps it pretty tidy so maybe she went out unexpectedly.

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