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Leora & Paul - General Chat Comments & Quotes (2017)

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1 minute ago, zawa said:

Does anyone have her newest 1 hour ago video?

Video of what nothing happened or did I miss another one of those wonderful scripted shows... Enter sarcasm here______________________

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2 minutes ago, Pepe said:

Video of what nothing happened or did I miss another one of those wonderful scripted shows... Enter sarcasm here______________________

I am trying to draw comparisons with what you of all people have done this morning Pepe, and the nearest I can get is for the Pope to declare that Mother Teresa was a hooker. I have nothing but admiration to you for your honesty and forthrightness. Knowing how much you thought about her would have made your decision very difficult and hurtful. Respect Brother.

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Just now, jimbo4 said:

I am trying to draw comparisons with what you of all people have done this morning Pepe, and the nearest I can get is for the Pope to declare that Mother Teresa was a hooker. I have nothing but admiration to you for your honesty and forthrightness. Knowing how much you thought about her would have made your decision very difficult and hurtful. Respect Brother.

I know there is probably some people thinking did Pepe's account get hacked or did he loose his mind,, I assure you that did not happen.. This is something that's been on my mind for a while now. Others have been posting similar things and I have started to look at things in a different light. There is always a bit of truth in all rumors .

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Listen guys, I know that everyone is in fact different, and in being different, everyone who has made a choice to check-out any of the apartments and tenants with the RLC project, made those choices for they're own different purposes and reasons. But the fact of the matter is that they made those choices on they're own and was in no way forced or coerced into making the choices just like anyone makes they're own choices to come to this site and some even to register and some to even come to and visit this particular thread and it is all someone's choice and done by they're own mind and hand. Well, though I can not and will not speak for all of the tenants of the RLC apartments, I will say this much for the one(s) or mainly one in which some of these latest as well as a number of past posts have been in reference to. The woman being referred to is firstly a human being, secondly a very intelligent, very talented, and most certainly a beautiful woman. She lives with a guy in a situation that would be very difficult for most any others to be able to cope with in residing in a residence with cams installed. She has done much in the senses of granting any viewers enlightenment into hers, and his, current living situation that there are not many in the world would do. She and they, have shown an enlightenment of some of the situations of really personal natures to possible viewers on many occasions that again, most people in the world would not even be able to do. Surely it both helps and benefits her and them somewhat to have the opportunity to have joined the RLC project in consideration of what being a tenant of the project offers by ways of living. But she, or they have never made any outside agreements, bargains, contracts, or obligations to anyone else other than the agreements and likely contract with the RLC project, and thus, she or they do not owe or are not obligated to anyone else. Though it may seem and appear at times, and possibly more so here lately, that there are and have been times when it may seem as though the viewers who are both avid fans and admirers as well are being somewhat to quite a bit not thought of as much, perhaps forgotten to an extent, or maybe some may even feel neglected so to speak, but the thing is, most things change with time, and whose to deduce or factually state that any seemly appearance of changes as of late or even for awhile now, are in fact permanent. In any case, whichever the outcome may be, she and they do not owe anyone who chose to click onto those particular cams of that particular apartment and to even begin checking-out RLC and this forum to begin with. It is possible that some of the subjects mentioned could possibly be genuine, factual, or true, but then again, It could also be true of all the negative rhetoric which has been posted here both recently as well as in the past that has introduced thoughts of changes in some tenants behaviors. Also, what she or they actually engage in as far as sexual pleasure is really they're concern and nobody else's even any viewers who happen to be available to have what some may consider a privilege in doing so. Just because someone takes it upon themselves to find out about and locate and check-out and register/join any project on the net as in actual real life, even the ones who go as far as becoming paying subscribers of RLC or any project, does not in any way mean that those people then own anyone else and does not mean that those people can in fact dictate to what is supposed to take place or happen. So, Please, for anyone else who feels any need to vent any frustrations for whatever reason, please do it in what is the most appropriate place on this forum which is in the Rant/Rave thread. Please do so, and take into consideration not only respect for any innocent tenants of RLC, but also of CamCaps members who come here to relax and to read and check-out the forums threads as well as post in response to others for as a form of entertainment. Please LEAVE juli alone and stop making things worse for everybody.

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3 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

I am trying to draw comparisons with what you of all people have done this morning Pepe, and the nearest I can get is for the Pope to declare that Mother Teresa was a hooker. I have nothing but admiration to you for your honesty and forthrightness. Knowing how much you thought about her would have made your decision very difficult and hurtful. Respect Brother.

I, have a silly question to ask here. Is this "Jimbo4" talking, because he was rebuffed by Leora personally, or is it his replacement "The Pilgrim", his alias.

Just perhaps, if one were to think back to who it was that had to have personal involvement, to be able to know why Leora quit her account, and to point fingers at those unscrupulous scoundrels who were attacking her. Just might be one of those perpetrators, who caused her to close her account.

My opinion is not based on folly, but on paying close attention to not only The Leora Closes Her Account entries, but also to the entries made by the disruptive platoon of "newbie, and follow member, members. That have come out of the wood work following The Leora Closes Her Account issue.

All members of CC have the right to express an opinion. It is mine to believe, that the recent disruption was orchestrated by those who were rebuffed personally by Leora. Those individuals know who I am talking about, and can no longer look in the mirror with a clear conscience.

I, if I were you Jimbo,  would not start gloating too soon.

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12 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

Escuchar chicos, sé que todo el mundo está de hecho diferentes, y en ser diferente, todos los que han tomado la decisión de entrada y salida exprés cualquiera de los apartamentos y los inquilinos con el proyecto de RLC, hecho esas opciones para que son propios propósitos y razones diferentes . Pero el quid de la cuestión es que ellos hicieron esas opciones en que son propios y no era en modo forzado o coaccionado para tomar las decisiones al igual que cualquier persona hace que son propias decisiones para venir a este sitio y algunos incluso se registren y algunos que incluso vienen a visitar y este hilo en particular y todo lo que es la elección de alguien y hacer por ellos son propia mente y la mano. Bueno, aunque no puede y no hablar por todos los inquilinos de los apartamentos de RLC, voy a decir esto tanto para la (s) o sobre todo una en la que algunos de estos últimos, así como un número de puestos en el pasado han sido en referencia a. La mujer se hace referencia es en primer lugar un ser humano, en segundo lugar, una muy inteligente, con mucho talento, y sin duda una hermosa mujer. Ella vive con un chico en una situación que sería muy difícil para la mayoría de los demás sean capaces de hacer frente en residir en una residencia con levas instaladas. Ella ha hecho mucho en los sentidos de la concesión de cualquier espectadores iluminación en los suyos, y los suyos, situación de vida actual que no hay muchos en el mundo lo haría. Ella y ellos, han demostrado una iluminación de algunas de las situaciones de naturalezas muy personales a los posibles espectadores en muchas ocasiones que una vez más, la mayoría de personas en el mundo ni siquiera sería capaz de hacerlo. Sin duda, tanto ayuda y le beneficia y ellos un poco para tener la oportunidad de haber adherido al proyecto de RLC en consideración de lo que es ser un inquilino del proyecto ofrece por formas de vida. Pero ella, o que nunca han hecho ningún margen de los acuerdos, negocios, contratos u obligaciones a nadie más que los acuerdos y las probabilidades contrato con el proyecto de RLC, y por lo tanto, ella o ellos no le deben o no están obligados a nadie más. A pesar de que pueda parecer y aparecen a veces, y posiblemente más aquí últimamente, que hay y ha habido momentos en que parezca como si los espectadores que están ambos ávidos fanáticos y admiradores, así están siendo algo que un poco no pensaban de como mucho, tal vez olvidada hasta cierto punto, o tal vez incluso algunos pueden sentirse abandonados por así decirlo, pero lo es, la mayoría de las cosas cambian con el tiempo, y cuya deducir o estado de hecho que cualquier aspecto correcto de los cambios en los últimos tiempos, o incluso para un tiempo ahora, son de hecho permanente. En cualquier caso, sea cual sea el resultado puede ser, ella y que no adeuda cualquier persona que eligió para hacer clic en los particular, las levas de ese apartamento en particular e incluso para empezar la comprobación de salida RLC y este foro, para empezar. Es posible que algunos de los temas mencionados podría ser genuina, de hecho, o verdadero, pero por otra parte, que también podría ser cierto de toda la retórica negativa que se ha publicado aquí tanto recientemente, así como en el pasado que tiene pensamientos introducidos de los cambios en algunos comportamientos de los inquilinos. Además, lo que ella o que en realidad se dedican a la medida de lo placer sexual es en realidad que son preocupación y de nadie más, incluso cualquier espectadores que pasan a estar disponibles para tener lo que algunos pueden considerar un privilegio al hacerlo. El hecho de que alguien toma sobre sí mismos para conocer y localizar y salida y el registro / unirse a cualquier proyecto en la red como en la vida real real, incluso los que llegan hasta convertirse en el pago de los suscriptores de RLC o cualquier proyecto, lo hace no significa en modo alguno que las personas poseen entonces nadie y no significa que esas personas pueden, de hecho, dictar a lo que se supone que tenga lugar o pasar. Así que, por favor, para cualquier otra persona que se siente ninguna necesidad de ventilar las frustraciones por cualquier razón, por favor hacerlo en lo que es el lugar más apropiado en este foro que está en el hilo Rant / Rave. Por favor, hacerlo, y tener en cuenta no sólo el respeto a cualquier inquilino inocentes de RLC, sino también de los miembros CamCaps que vienen aquí para relajarse y leer y la salida, los foros de discusiones, así como su mensaje en respuesta a otros por como una forma de entretenimiento. Por favor, deje Juli solo y dejar de hacer cosas peores para todo el mundo.

With all due respect, but he has failed to sign as: RLC voicemail

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20 minutes ago, Nicholas said:

Listen guys, I know that everyone is in fact different, and in being different, everyone who has made a choice to check-out any of the apartments and tenants with the RLC project, made those choices for they're own different purposes and reasons. But the fact of the matter is that they made those choices on they're own and was in no way forced or coerced into making the choices just like anyone makes they're own choices to come to this site and some even to register and some to even come to and visit this particular thread and it is all someone's choice and done by they're own mind and hand. Well, though I can not and will not speak for all of the tenants of the RLC apartments, I will say this much for the one(s) or mainly one in which some of these latest as well as a number of past posts have been in reference to. The woman being referred to is firstly a human being, secondly a very intelligent, very talented, and most certainly a beautiful woman. She lives with a guy in a situation that would be very difficult for most any others to be able to cope with in residing in a residence with cams installed. She has done much in the senses of granting any viewers enlightenment into hers, and his, current living situation that there are not many in the world would do. She and they, have shown an enlightenment of some of the situations of really personal natures to possible viewers on many occasions that again, most people in the world would not even be able to do. Surely it both helps and benefits her and them somewhat to have the opportunity to have joined the RLC project in consideration of what being a tenant of the project offers by ways of living. But she, or they have never made any outside agreements, bargains, contracts, or obligations to anyone else other than the agreements and likely contract with the RLC project, and thus, she or they do not owe or are not obligated to anyone else. Though it may seem and appear at times, and possibly more so here lately, that there are and have been times when it may seem as though the viewers who are both avid fans and admirers as well are being somewhat to quite a bit not thought of as much, perhaps forgotten to an extent, or maybe some may even feel neglected so to speak, but the thing is, most things change with time, and whose to deduce or factually state that any seemly appearance of changes as of late or even for awhile now, are in fact permanent. In any case, whichever the outcome may be, she and they do not owe anyone who chose to click onto those particular cams of that particular apartment and to even begin checking-out RLC and this forum to begin with. It is possible that some of the subjects mentioned could possibly be genuine, factual, or true, but then again, It could also be true of all the negative rhetoric which has been posted here both recently as well as in the past that has introduced thoughts of changes in some tenants behaviors. Also, what she or they actually engage in as far as sexual pleasure is really they're concern and nobody else's even any viewers who happen to be available to have what some may consider a privilege in doing so. Just because someone takes it upon themselves to find out about and locate and check-out and register/join any project on the net as in actual real life, even the ones who go as far as becoming paying subscribers of RLC or any project, does not in any way mean that those people then own anyone else and does not mean that those people can in fact dictate to what is supposed to take place or happen. So, Please, for anyone else who feels any need to vent any frustrations for whatever reason, please do it in what is the most appropriate place on this forum which is in the Rant/Rave thread. Please do so, and take into consideration not only respect for any innocent tenants of RLC, but also of CamCaps members who come here to relax and to read and check-out the forums threads as well as post in response to others for as a form of entertainment. Please LEAVE juli alone and stop making things worse for everybody.

Also, to add, she is in no way any resemblance of any other RLC tenant women not only not limited to, but especially any of those in either of the Barcelona apartments, for there is no other woman tenant of RLC that even comes close to being as not only as I had mentioned previously, as being very intelligent, very skillful and talented, and most certainly very attractive and beautiful as is the one called Leora or juli', or very many anywhere else for that matter.

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Maybe one day you too will open your eyes and see the truth things are not the same as they were and it's definitely not an improvement. 

She has become just like most of the others. I'm not here to change anyone's mind that's up to the individual. 

Yes she's smart beautiful and sexy, but she's changed. 

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Consider this, what are the chances that of so much accumulative negative and derogatory rhetoric in the forms of posts here over so much of a period or periods of time possibly being the forms of or reasons of there having occurred changes in someone's behaviors. In my opinion, pretty damn good chances of it as it most likely would with anyone in a situation or situations like that.

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