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Leora & Paul - General Chat Comments & Quotes (2017)

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7 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

 Rock, Are you sure you mean heart, and not another part of her anatomy, lol, ::)


Like I said, I'm still learning from you Gents. OK, pick on Rock day! I noticed the whole paragraph, was offline, due to my lack of sleep. My doggie who is old is not feeling it and I don't want to let go or let him suffer. I am emotionally drained. Monday, the Vet will decide.... The road to my Heart is paved with paw prints. Did I say it right, Jimbo? :confused:                                                                   

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13 hours ago, ROCKHARD said:

Like I said, I'm still learning from you Gents. OK, pick on Rock day! I noticed the whole paragraph, was offline, due to my lack of sleep. My doggie who is old is not feeling it and I don't want to let go or let him suffer. I am emotionally drained. Monday, the Vet will decide.... The road to my Heart is paved with paw prints. Did I say it right, Jimbo? :confused:                                                                   

Sorry to hear about your canine friend Rock. I too know how that can be for I have been through the same experiences with canine friends and companions. It is a shame and one of many things never understood by me as to why some breeds of animal species were not created allowing for more of length in their lifespans. After all, canines are regarded by many as mankind's best friends. But, I too have been through the same similar and unfortunate experiences with some feline friends and companions as well unfortunately. No matter which, it is always an unpleasant and unfortunate experience to lose a friend or companion.  :sad:   All we can look forward to is the time we may one day see them again.  :shy: 

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5 hours ago, ROCKHARD said:

Like I said, I'm still learning from you Gents. OK, pick on Rock day! I noticed the whole paragraph, was offline, due to my lack of sleep. My doggie who is old is not feeling it and I don't want to let go or let him suffer. I am emotionally drained. Monday, the Vet will decide.... The road to my Heart is paved with paw prints. Did I say it right, Jimbo? :confused:                                                                   

Absolutely Rock, Keep your chin up, whatever is decided will be the best for all concerned. 

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6 minutes ago, raul399 said:

now is one of the most morbid moments I get with Leora ... Leora lying on the sofa and Paul on the computer, as a lief begin to caress slowly dissimulating and Paul does not realize ... that moment for me is super morbid lol

Earlier this morning, Paul was banging Leora & i was shocked that he lasted more than 5 minutes 

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