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Betty & Rick Part #1

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When I was young I was a lot like this Kid.  A 60 second man and did not know what was doing when my face was in a woman's vagina.  Then I met this lady,and she was a lady in every sense of the word, who was 22 years older than I was.  The lessons she taught me relative to what a woman likes what a woman wants, as well was the life lessons carried me through-out my life.  I was recently a pall bearer at her funeral and the only one that had an inkling of our true relationship was her daughter.  Everyone thought she was my vocal instructor.  Her daughter found some letters we had written back and forth and a few old Polariods.  The pics were a bit embarrassing but her daughter said I was spoken of often and if I had been 10-years older I might have been her father.  I was the one she talked about who was simply too young..  She a wise and loving woman...

In any event, perhaps this young man will be lucky enough to find Betty.  Who may be his teacher like my Elaine was.::)

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2 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

This is so weird.. and i just think in write here asking if it's their son.... 

I don't think it is weird.  Happened to me when I was younger and it's really rather common in the States.  We call them "Cougars" over here and to tell you the truth, it is not a practice that is frowned upon.  Unless it is teachers and students.  Personally, I think the kid is luckier than all get out.  Believe me, he'll be walking around witha bit of bounce in his step and his chest stuck out for a few days..

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