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Nina & Kira - General Chat Topic (2018)

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On 29-1-2018 at 7:02 AM, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

I see Doe Eyes is back. Let's see how that changes the dynamics.

When all is said and done, however, I guess that Doe Eyes is fairly popular here in CamCaps, at least as much as N&K are. As a third element in the relationships, she adds a bit of tension perhaps; but I haven't seen Masha & Shasha's apartment rating decline since Dasha showed up, either.


Doe Eyes was never really gone. Yet. I believe she on her way out, but before she leaves she still stays a couple of nights a week at N&K's.

Still, I believe she is indeed rather populair among most (including me ::)), but not all 

I see a clear difference between N & K + DE and M & S + D... Also viewing figures and comment counts are not the same as true appreciation of the love of N&K.


Tonight is pink/orange-y panda dress night for Nina. A good night.

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3 hours ago, bfaith said:

What's a big silence here? :biggrin:

no DE... no party :biggrin:

I'm obviously joking, i don't think she's the reason for the discussions, not all of them at least. N&K are going through a great time i think, they seem happy and quiet, they are probably also busy with their jobs and their activities, so work and relax and not much else to see
very positive for them, maybe a little boring for us... but it's good that it's so

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4 hours ago, Hayden said:

I've never seen Nina in glasses :heart: She is beautiful in everything. How is she doing this:blush:

Easy really: Just combine natural beauty and good taste in clothes and make-up :biggrin:


Something I will always fail at :sleepy:

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