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Anastasia, Nyusha Part #1

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14 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Nope it is just a fucking damn mistake of a**hole Rock. No supervision needed for people who know how to behave... Bye Rock 

Sorry, but I do not change my opinion. It is not the first time we see something on this level or in others not only here but in other projects.

And nothing preventively is done until the disaster is notorious and I publish to all of the site.

We have to in most cases alert them via ticket, as you yourself did.

RLC at this point does not fail and keeps on constant alert.

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I do not think it's censorship
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10 minutes ago, mic351 said:

I'll be dammed!  For once it is working in the States and not in Europe...  I'd tell ya to send in a ticket but I'm afraid I'd get my ass beat..  Right Jabbath?  Sparkles?:biggrin:

It's not working for me an I am in the USA


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