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6 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

Bring back the Lash. Once people get 50 Lashes, they'll think twice before committing another crime. For Murderers Death Sentence right after the Trial if found Guilty. No sitting on Death Row for 15 or 20 Years receiving 3 Square Meals a Day.

Amen StnCld316, I totally agree!!!

4 hours ago, maxfactor said:

That should take care of the 19 year old first offender that shot up the school last week. :dodgy:

I wish everyday that I was as smart and good as you proclaim to be!!!  You have NO idea what you are saying as usual but continue to spew filth on my country.  You must live in the most perfect society on earth!!!  The tax payers would save a boat load of money if people like this asshole 19 year old kid was put to death for the heinous crime that he committed.  Unfortunately we the people will have to pay for the next 50 plus years of his existence in this country.  I say to hell with him and put his ass in the ground.......6' plus at a minimum!!!

4 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

Can you read Howard? Heres a quote from my post ,"But that never going to be enough, it's just another law, words written on a piece of paper, and criminals can get around or break any law that's ever been enacted." So going this route will stop some crazy people. If youve been reading my posts, Im advocating for armed security and/or teachers onsite as the only solution that will have an immediate effect. I basically agree with most of what you said in your post. Here was my post from the day of the shooting,."
We should first agree that more gun laws won't stop these massacres. That asshole Lanza in Sandy Hook killed his Mom, stole her guns, took them out on the street without a carry permit, took them on school property, broke in to the school, and massacred all those kids and teachers. There's six laws right there broken, and they didn;'t stop this Piece of shit. Laws are not made to stop crime, they're made to punish those who commit crimes we as a people have deemed to be unacceptable as a society. I've been watching tv on and off tonight, and it's the same old shit  from our useless Congress,  "we need to do something", but nobody has any original ideas what to do. If someone has one, please post it on here, I'd love to hear anything that would stop even one of these mass killings. I keep hearing that the United States has more gun deaths than any other countries. The reality is, we have I keep reading 300 million firearms in circulation in this country. That's the reason we have more deaths by firearms than any other country. I'll only give my ideas here of what can be done to protect kids and teachers in schools, and that is to have someone armed  in every school. I can hear the OMG'S right now , " yeah right, we need more guns to solve the problem"!  No, we need guns in the hands of highly capable men and women who are ex military, retired law enforcement, and anyone who can pass a highly stringent safety course, and a practice range accuracy test to get the job. Of course the arguments against this plan would be, "suppose he leaves his pistol in his desk and some kid finds it"?  Or, "what if he drops it, and it goes off and kills someone"? Or this one, " well now you're gonna have crossfire and some kid might be killed by the very people that are protecting them. Any gun owner knows how ridiculous and uninformed  these arguments are. I own 2 pistols and there is zero chance of anyone accidentaly being shot by me because I've been handling firearms starting with my Dad, when i was a teen, and he taight me how to safely handle with safety always the first priority, and fire them. and I go to a gun shop with a range near me once or twice a week . I'm not going to hope I don't get attacked by some asshole, and then wait for someone to come and save me. And we shouldn't put our kids and teachers in that situation, have an attack, and have terrified kids hiding under desks with lives ruined and families devastated. Having a responsible person keeping the school safe from these maniacs, is the only thing that can be done quickly and keep the massacres from happening way way down. The best thing a crazed freak likes to see is a sign that says, " gun free zone". Thats an invitation to these freaks.There actually could be a law that could help, identify people like this crazed POS and  get them help or get them off the street before they go off the deep end. I'm here crying this morning seeing the anguish these families have to go through because we didn't do enough to protect children in this country some of the families are having funerals for their teenage children, and it's heartbreaking and their lives will never be the same. We need to stop with the bullshit we need to do something other than  the whole idea being limiting law abiding citizens access to firearms. We have 300 million firearms in circulation, If someone wants to get a gun they will, and no law will stop them, Criminals don't obey laws!! We need to wake the fuck up and protect our kids!

I think I'm in love with you Ashleyxyz!!!  You are my kind of woman!!!!  Great post and points!

4 hours ago, ashleyxyz said:

Did you see there was a guy that just executed in Ohio, on death row for 25 years! I'm more and more against the death penalty because i think its an easy way out . Put this kid behind bars for 50 years, thats a worse punishment than a lethal injection that they have in Fla

Damn.....you were doing so well lol.  I have to disagree with you here.  I'm not for funding these peaces of shit for 25 years......3 squares a day and a shower, plus a nice warm place to sleep....no thank you!  Get them off the face of this earth if found guilty and I, along with many others will sleep better at night.

PS......I still love the way you think!!

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4 hours ago, Howard said:

Wish you would have 'paragraphed' your post for easier reading (and better to respond by).

I'm getting confused on your position.  If it's about protecting kids, tougher firearm access laws wont do it. There's a bigger problem (besides the mental health issue):

The continuing moral and ethical decay of society.  Absentee moms/dads, lack of traditional values, latchkey kids, violent video/computer games, ganster-type of music videos, and so on.  Politicians (and society) needs to address the root of the problem.  Armed guards/teachers in school is (IMO) an acceptable TEMPORARY SOLUTION. But that won't stop a knucklehead from renting a van and plowing through the gates/fence of a playground while kids are at recess. And we shouldn't have to live in a law abiding society surrounded by walls and crash resistant pylons (often found in front of various federal buildings). 

I'm OK with temporary solutions but only if the root cause of the action is addressed. Otherwise, we're putting lipstick on a pig.

I have to agree with this because I actually feel the same way with the moral and ethical decay of our society.  It is that way because our laws are too damn weak!  Absentee moms and dads,  that is a given and a major contributor to the state of our nation where it pertains to kids!!

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I don't hate the US, simply like the majority of people around the world I'm fed up hearing about all the shit from your failing nation every week. Just die quietly.


Fucking Americans weighing up the pros and cons of the death penalty on a thread dedicated to the victims of, what is it the 20th(?), school shooting in that country this year?


Engaged in what they believe is a civilised conversation about the death penalty and whipping criminals as if  they are anything other than a morally bankrupt failing state. Pathetic.


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