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Mira & Henry Part #2 of 3


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8 minutes ago, PALMDOC1000 said:

I don't have to pretend or boycott. Having watched Mira & Darcie on free cam, I was seriously going to subscribe (especially, now that Darcie is staying in the apt). What you can't see, you don't miss! For now, I'm looking at different sites and free porn. To be honest, I feel, I saved $39/mo.

what you're saying, is absolutely BS. What's the difference for subscriber whether tenants have free cams or just paid ones? When you pay for access, can watch everything anyway so what's the fucking probs, could you explain please, cause I don't get it

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19 minutes ago, PALMDOC1000 said:

I don't have to pretend or boycott. Having watched Mira & Darcie on free cam, I was seriously going to subscribe (especially, now that Darcie is staying in the apt). What you can't see, you don't miss! For now, I'm looking at different sites and free porn. To be honest, I feel, I saved $39/mo.

So let me get this straight, when they had a free cam you were going to sub so you can have access to all cams, right? But now that they took away the free cam, NOW is when you're not going to sub?? I can smell the bullshit from this post through my monitor.

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I was not one to bounce from apt to apt. I had a specific interest in M&H's entertainment house. I've been quite clear of my desires relative to this issue. Once again, lost interest and now more importantly lost interest in you fools negativity. I know I won't be missed nor will I miss you. I'm rather going beyond my dignity to engage in back and forth BS...Have a limp life!

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1 hour ago, PALMDOC1000 said:

I was not one to bounce from apt to apt. I had a specific interest in M&H's entertainment house. I've been quite clear of my desires relative to this issue. Once again, lost interest and now more importantly lost interest in you fools negativity. I know I won't be missed nor will I miss you. I'm rather going beyond my dignity to engage in back and forth BS...Have a limp life!

Of course you had a specific interest in M&H because you were seeing all the action free 😁 Now you can't see it free you are fucking off lol.

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6 hours ago, Amy3 said:

Try this! If you’re a subscriber, log off, pretend you’ve never seen VH, and then watch nothing but these apts for as long as you can and then ask yourself “Am I compelled to join?” 

Mira/Henry, Lisa/Chloe, Cloe/Axel, David/Carrie, and Clara/Stas

Then watch 5 other random apts and ask the same question. 

Remember, you’ve never seen VH before. Be honest!

Amy has wisdom, i have too agree with her

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1 hour ago, PALMDOC1000 said:

I was not one to bounce from apt to apt. I had a specific interest in M&H's entertainment house. I've been quite clear of my desires relative to this issue. Once again, lost interest and now more importantly lost interest in you fools negativity. I know I won't be missed nor will I miss you. I'm rather going beyond my dignity to engage in back and forth BS...Have a limp life!

please don't go! i'll miss all of your words of wisdom! oh that's right! i won't! bye bye!:biggrin:

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