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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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Hace 2 horas, legrandrobert dijo:

En mi opinión, fue bueno que Kong estuviera allí anoche, si no hubiera sido por él, no hubiera tenido una fiesta. El era el motivo de la fiesta, su cumpleaños o fiesta de despedida, lo que mar. Una fuente por eso oyo una otra cosa aburrida. ¡NOCHE!

As I understand your words, then, the girls will be boring again, for the lack of a male inside the house ... ah!
So, we have two solutions, we celebrate the birthday of this boy, at least once a week, or then, that he does not leave B4, since according to his conclusion, the girls alone, are unable to ride a good party with happy ending. That seems quite macho to me.
But I go further. Why take the couple to B3, if what we need is an alpha male dentri of B4?

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2 hours ago, legrandrobert said:

In my opinion, it was a good thing that Kong was there last night, if it hadn't been for him, there wouldn't have had a party.  He was the reason for the party, His birthday or going away party, whatever,.  Thank him for that or we could have had another dull T.V . NIGHT   !!!

think about it almost all the wild parties they have had in the barca apts there have been guys around, bearded guy of the orgy ,alex,the guys of the sushi party now this guy so if anything having guys around brings out the girls wilder side I really hate to admit it though

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32 minutes ago, Kkru394 said:

Todavía mala planificación por parte de RLC. Toma 4 horas para arreglar su cama, podrían haber planeado agregar cámaras al patio al mismo tiempo

As I have said to other people, perhaps, they have not yet heard, that the patio table is too far from the camera 4.1 the people sitting at the table, they can smoke quietly, the camera is only effective in the pool, well, if you go to the other side, where by day, the focus will play tricks, that camera 4.2 is also too far and that area is as blind, and just picks up a small part of the garden, so if they decide to go down to the garden in the area of bed 4.2, or people are sitting at the table without moving, or the camera will serve little good.

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16 minutes ago, EMMETT111 said:

piénsalo casi todas las fiestas locas que han tenido en los apartamentos barca han habido muchachos alrededor, chico barbudo de la orgía, alex, los chicos de la fiesta de sushi ahora este chico, si es que hay chicos alrededor saca el lado más salvaje de las chicas Realmente odio admitirlo, aunque

I'm sorry, but I refuse to think that these girls, are not able to do this last night, without a boy around, that is, less value this girl group, from my point of view.
In fact, we could discuss many strange things, and they do not have an easy explanation, some explicitly sexually speaking, but it is not a matter of opening a public debate, in addition, 99% of those who read this, is not interested.
You can keep the big bacchanal party, and I will not discuss it, but you need a man to set up that party, I'm sorry, but I doubt it very much.

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Just now, vortios said:

I'm sorry, but I refuse to think that these girls, are not able to do this last night, without a boy around, that is, less value this girl group, from my point of view.
 have a wild party without guys aroundIn fact, we could discuss many strange things, and they do not have an easy explanation, some explicitly sexually speaking, but it is not a matter of opening a public debate, in addition, 99% of those who read this, is not interested.
You can keep the big bacchanal party, and I will not discuss it, but you need a man to set up that party, I'm sorry, but I doubt it very much.

it does not mater if they can or not have wild parties without guys around they chose not to as history has proven out and I for one would rather see a guy around at these parties if that means we actually see something other than girls tickling each other or fake under blanket sex

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1 minute ago, EMMETT111 said:

it does not mater if they can or not have wild parties without guys around they chose not to as history has proven out and I for one would rather see a guy around at these parties if that means we actually see something other than girls tickling each other or fake under blanket sex

or same fake shows just saying.

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