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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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4 hours ago, Thestarider said:

While I am at it I going to throw out big shout the Most Magnificent Monica on her return the realm of RLC, as she was one of my favorites way back so many years ago when our Queen Bee first opened the Barcelona Vacation Apartment for unbelievably beautiful woman from Moscow and the Ukraine. She introduced us to so many, but some like Monica have always held a place on the forum and in the minds of the old timers around here.

Very mature, and extremely beautiful with an incredible natural body, even now a few years later, she looks awesome. I love the way she walks and her presence on the screen, there is and has always been something be to said for a classy woman. Monica exemplifies class with all her actions and movements. It is so nice to have her back again, and brings back some really good memories, and reminds why so many years ago I joined this project with so much excitement.

Welcome Back Monica :heart:

was she thinner then and was there with a really sweet blonde and a black haired girl that never showed her big tits or am I thinking of a different girl 

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12 minutes ago, EMMETT111 said:

was she thinner then and was there with a really sweet blonde and a black haired girl that never showed her big tits or am I thinking of different girl 

Monica was there when Kamila arrived. It clicked from the start between them..

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21 minutes ago, legrandrobert said:

Monica was there when Kamila arrived. It clicked from the start between them..

thanks,damn I was a subscriber then and didn't remember her I guess I only had eyes for Kamilla because I remember when she first came to barcalona

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What a revelation Blair has turned out to be from being slightly shy to a bating beauty. Seems like Belle has worked her charm on yet another; first Avi now Blair. Can’t wait to see if the three of them perform together 🤞Looks like there are 3 distinct teams: the twins, Avi, Blair & Belle and now Amina & Nica. All’s well that ends well hopefully 🤪

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