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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (April 2018)

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6 minutes ago, Sergio said:

È da un po 'che non dico questo, queste ragazze guadagneranno molti soldi, ma che vita triste fanno, guardate Sofie, penso che un commesso che guadagna 1000 euro al mese sia molto più felice di loro, io voglio vedere tra dieci anni cosa fanno queste ragazze

they live on rent, or they will find someone who marries them and they keep them as it happened to the sister of Serena, who found an Italian who talked about her and is now pregnant

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22 minutes ago, Sergio said:

It's been a while that I do not say this, these girls will earn a lot of money, but what a sad life they do, just look Sofie, I think a shop assistant who earns 1000 euros a month is much happier than they, I want to see in ten years what they make these girls

not that i want to start a philosophical debate but i think you are making general assumptions.

Some poeple are happy with a low/middle wage life style and some other only aim for the luxury life style. Because a girl marry a rich husband that she may not loved that much or go on rlc to make money doesn't mean they are not happy, it's just a mean to an end. Same as the "shop assistant" who probably doesn't give two crap about her job but is happy with her life as it is.

If money wasn't a source of happiness for some poeple (IMO a lot of poeple) we would leave in a world filled with hippies ☮ ^^'

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40 minutes ago, Brock07 said:

Can anyone tell me which website Jasmin cams on? and whats her name on there!

Cam Sites the Girls Broadcast on are not Permitted to be placed in Open Apartment Boards.  There is another Topic in the RLC Forums where this Information is to be placed.

The Cam Site Information has been removed.

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41 minutes ago, Brock07 said:

Can anyone tell me which website Jasmin cams on? and whats her name on there!


39 minutes ago, Fagen said:

Cam Sites the Girls Broadcast on are not Permitted to be placed in Open Apartment Boards.  There is another Topic in the RLC Forums where this Information is to be placed.

The Cam Site Information has been removed.

we have a topic for this 


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