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Mira & Henry Part #3 of 3


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1 minute ago, Mira&Henry said:

él tiene esposa y en ese momento él abastece a Vera en general. Ahora ella no confía en él con su traslado y simplemente lo teme. Él no la miente y quiere llevársela, pero ella lo enfatizó

In short, too complicated for it to go well

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3 minutes ago, Mira&Henry said:

he has wife and in that time he supply Vera in overall. Now she not trust him with his relocation and  just afraid it. He do not lies her and wants to get her whith him but she stressed about it

Maybe it would be best if Vera stayed where she is at least she would have good friends like you and Mira.

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2 minutes ago, Mira&Henry said:

because it is her's everyday actions during week, and it makes him crasy about situation

Yes he sure doesnt act like a normal loving husband  --So she as his wife has to depend on him for her support or does she have job and make her own money

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4 minutes ago, sr71gn said:

Bueno, Mira y Henry ya están preocupados por eso. Estoy fuera de aquí. Realmente me gustaría saber cómo se siente eso en el resto del camino.

Captura de pantalla (1976) .png


I envy that facility to escape, it happens to me the same with a couple invited at home and the last thing I would like would be to fuck with my partner. I suppose that in diversity lies the beauty of life

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6 minutes ago, catalonia said:


I envy that facility to escape, it happens to me the same with a couple invited at home and the last thing I would like would be to fuck with my partner. I suppose that in diversity lies the beauty of life

exactly!!! we must just enjoy our life. we have such one

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