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9 minutes ago, vortios said:

Anche se la diversità dei fili, la trovo non necessaria e improduttiva.
Sono contento che ci sia qualcuno che pensa di parlare di tutto nel suo filo.
Lo ripeto, grazie.

here you can say what you want and express your opinions

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3 hours ago, Mauri said:


In questa discussione possiamo parlare di tutto ciò che le ragazze fanno nell'appartamento, le traduzioni sono ben accette ...

If it resembles any type of a similarity to a General Chat that we just closed recently. The Topic will removed.  Please Note the Text in Red.




Effective June 01,2018.

The General Chat Topics will be Discontinued.

**  (Please Do Not Make any Further General Chat Topics Beginning June 01,2018 or After. They will only be Removed)  **

It is Encouraged that Members make their Own Topics as Opposed to having a General Chat and Having Everything Discussed in One Place.

This is a Forum and Forum's are Meant to have Multiple Topics Open for Discussion.

We will try it this way for a Month or Two and See What Transpires.


Example: A Thread with 100 or More Pages looks like One Thread, Whereas 50 Threads with 10 or More Posts Would Appear to Have More Interest.


Admin, Forum Admin & Moderators Thank You for Your Cooperation.


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1 hour ago, StnCld316 said:

Si se parece a cualquier tipo de similitud con un chat general que acabamos de cerrar recientemente. El tema se eliminará. Por favor, tenga en cuenta el texto en rojo.




En vigencia desde el 1 de junio de 2018.

Los temas generales de chat se descontinuarán.

**   (No haga ningún otro tema general de chat a partir del 1 de junio de 2012 o después. Solo se eliminarán)  **

Se alienta a los miembros a que sus propios temas se opongan a tener un chat general y que se discuta todo en un solo lugar.

Este es un Foro y Foro que pretende tener múltiples temas abiertos para discusión.

Lo intentaremos de esta manera durante un mes o dos y veremos qué sucede.


Ejemplo:  un hilo con 100 o más páginas parece un hilo, mientras que 50 hilos con 10 o más publicaciones parecerían tener más interés.


Administrador, administrador del foro y moderadores, gracias por su cooperación.


That seems like the end of this type of forums.
No one is going to jump from thread to thread, to comment things.
That's why the good fuck of a single thread.

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17 minutes ago, vortios said:

That seems like the end of this type of forums.
No one is going to jump from thread to thread, to comment things.
That's why the good fuck of a single thread.

We're going to try it for a Month or Two and see what happens and decide from there.  That's the wishes from Admin and we're going to follow it.

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On 6/1/2018 at 5:32 PM, StnCld316 said:

We're going to try it for a Month or Two and see what happens and decide from there.  That's the wishes from Admin and we're going to follow it.

You already know what will happen, nobody likes it and nobody wants it, no need to change something that worked great and everyone liked. Why not have a general chat but let people make their own topics also about things if they want. And then for those who likes to have it simple can post in the general topic 🙂

Now if a topic resembles to much of the general chat you will close it, but hard to know when that line is crossed. I dont want to make a new topic each time I want to write one small sentence about something.

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Most likely it wont get changed, and the rest of the forum will follow this format.

This is the what format all forums follow, and is the reason it was changed to be more in line with what a real forum looks and feels like.

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