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Hace 51 minutos, el firewall dijo:

todos ustedes tienen una mala influencia porque pasaron su tiempo para quejarse todos los días 24/24, solo tomaron el lugar dos segundos de los inquilinos cuando leen y ven que los chicos publican aquí, es normal que quieran no hacer nada y Entró en la depresión después de eso, estas chicas son jóvenes y frágiles, muchos chicos aquí tienen una polla en reemplazo del cerebro y el corazón, ahora puedes escribir 10 páginas con eso no me importa, ¡que pases una buena noche! este tema vh es patético mi última publicación aquí y en el foro.

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1 hour ago, firewall said:

you all have just a very bad influance on vh because you spend your time to complain all days 24/24,just take the place two seconds of the tenants when they read and saw what the guys post here,it's normal they want do nothing and turn in depression after that,this girls are young and fragile,too many guys here have a dick in replacement of the brain and without heart,now you can write 10 pages with that i don't care,have a good night ! this vh topic is pathetic my last post here and on the forum.

VHTV would say this, "even negative attention is attention", and in a world where attention is king, it's ok to smile even in the face of negativity. I would imagine the ladies here feel much the same way. So, in a sense, your attempt to spare them really only serves to harm them. So, in this twisted game we play, who is the spoil sport?

....I curtsey to all of my haters. 💃

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1 hour ago, firewall said:

you all have just a very bad influance on vh because you spend your time to complain all days 24/24,just take the place two seconds of the tenants when they read and saw what the guys post here,it's normal they want do nothing and turn in depression after that,this girls are young and fragile,too many guys here have a dick in replacement of the brain and without heart,now you can write 10 pages with that i don't care,have a good night ! this vh topic is pathetic my last post here and on the forum.

You forgeted this two are also very inocent and very good chances if still being virgins,if you look to place when it opened you would had seen they already did nothing sinse then..not because cc users comments..exactly the same with prior house.Poor angels were puted in such depravated site as vh..maybe they just need an little more time...god have mercy😣.

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