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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic September #3 / October

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1 minute ago, firewall said:

+1 in my ignore list I don't need a troll like you  in my life,now talk alone bye.

Funny how you don't like when someone can actually talk back to you,,,,,it's always brave of you to be on the keyboard typing away about these women, but as soon as I showed you the lie you just tried to spread,,now you wanna run lol.


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8 hours ago, RAGNAR said:

Whatever meds you are on ,you should stop,, you are getting worse and worse with your bullshit spewing assumptions. I don't even know why you are here if you don't approve, or like what the girls do,as i said before,,IT IS NONE OF ANY ONES BUSINESS WHAT THEY DO,, NO MATTER WHERE THEY ARE,,YOU ARE NOT THEIR FATHER!!! And i'm sure no one takes your assumptions to heart anyways. Some of us don't care what they do,long as we enjoy watching them.My only grievance is the damn cellphone usage,but  that's how it goes today,i don't understand it,but then again i do not even own a cellphone,never did,never will.

you know what RagheadNar,  I just wish you would find out what side of the fence you want to be on!  I will never stop with my hatred towards RLC or their tenants to please you or anyone else.  I have the right to say what I want to say and if you don't agree with it then pass it by.  By you commenting, or anyone else for that matter only tells me that you do agree with me to some extent.  Please please please, just determine what side of the fence you want to be on and quit jumping back and forth!!

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