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2 hours ago, Sparkles said:

Pretty cool to get a cold 🤦‍♂️

Fact or Myth? Lingering in wet clothes, going outside in cold weather with wet hair or just being cold can increase your chances of getting a cold.

Answer: Myth

"No, being out in the cold or being cold or having wet clothes does not increase your chance of having a cold or the flu," said Dr. Jon Abramson, chairman of the department of pediatrics at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center.

"This is one of the myths that do exist both about the common cold or the flu, and clearly from a lot of studies, this is not the case.


Does cold weather make you sick? For centuries, this myth has led grandmothers to insist that kids sit away from drafts, keep a hat on in cold weather, and avoid going outside with wet hair.


Myth #2: You can catch a cold from getting cold

Why it's not true: Most people know by now that only a cold virus causes a cold. But many cling to the belief that going outside not properly dressed (or with wet hair) on a cold day will worsen the symptoms of a cold virus. This is also untrue. "I think this comes from people noticing that more people get sick during the colder months, and that is true," Dr. Coffin says. The real reason? Proximity. People generally spend more time indoors, closer together, and touch hands or come in contact with coughing and sneezing more. So viruses tend to "make the rounds" and strike more people. But being in the cold weather will only make you colder (and perhaps make your nose and eyes run a little more), not sicker.


"Colds and flus are caused by viruses – not because you went outside in the cold," says Dr. Sandra Fryhofer, a practicing internist at Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta and a past president of the American College of Physicians.


Dry heat or cold will make you sick.

“Cold weather makes you cold, and hot weather makes you hot, but neither one causes any flu or cold because they’re caused by viruses,” Steier explains. While you won't catch a cold from a wintry breeze, moist air can prove helpful if you're having trouble breathing, Fryhofer says. Try taking a shower, stepping into a sauna or using a cold air humidifier; each can alleviate respiratory symptoms associated with the cold and flu.


Don't go outside with wet hair.

Steier says there’s no scientific evidence that this old myth holds any weight. Temperatures do indeed drop in much of the U.S. during the fall and winter, when many people come down with the common cold and flu viruses. But your hair has nothing to do with developing an infection. If you have to skip the blow dryer because you're tight on time, so be it – your health won't suffer.

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Ok, I am back and checking the timeline. 

Alan is suck lame guy. How dare he joined VH as a male participant. I can't wait to see he fails and GTFO of VH. I really feel bad for Evi too.


These two fine ladies deserve a real man like the one that served Juliet tonight. Amen.


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