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Nina & Kira General Chat Topic 2018 #2

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This was a bad one.  I mean, really bad.  I have never seen nor heard Nina cry, whimper, argue, beg, and plead so much before, nor have I ever witnessed Kira be so stone-cold, impassive, and at times even combative toward Nina before.  Kira was clearly devastated and Nina was clearly at fault over something.  I could not make out much of the argument, but I did hear the word "pravda" being used quite a bit on both sides.  And we all know pravda means "truth".  Either some kind of truth was revealed, or a lie was discovered and truth was demanded.  Either way, everything appeared to be on the verge of collapse, literally.  Some say Kira had alcohol, and indeed she had a beer at the kitchen table and Nina kept trying to take it away, but cell phones were also involved, picking up, slamming down, etc, and she was acting like a totally different Kira by actually arguing with Nina, and she really really wanted to get out, but I think Nina literally wrapped herself around Kira's legs to prevent her from leaving.  

I'm sure I will get flak for this, but I have a very good feeling that Doe is the source of this.  I'm not sure in what capacity, but Doe is definitely involved somehow.  

As someone mentioned, a truce seems to have been reached.  Detente, if you will.  Kira clearly still has a lot on her mind.  She may smile or laugh a little, but she is clearly still not herself.  Nina is continuing to do some serious ass-kissing.  She didn't eat any of her dinner.  Even watching from where I am, it is very, very uncomfortable.  

It's going to be a long night.  😟 

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There were many more important words there.
Either Nina is lying or DE is lying, there is no other possibility, and Kira does not know who to believe. In any case, her trust inNina

was severely tarnished. This can not be forgotten, it will remain forever.

It will be very difficult for them to arrange everything again. But they love each other, maybe they will succeed

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il y a 1 minute, likidamber a dit :

But she did not want a confrontation with DE, she took Kira's phone. He is afraid. So something is unclear about this matter

I wonder what is the purpose of DE if it is she who has spoken too much?

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