bigmac18 Posted November 25, 2018 Posted November 25, 2018 While they are away, a little question... What is growing in their bath tub?!? 😯 It looks like they moved their plants in the bath tub to prevent them from drying out. Smart move. But there is also a contraption with two buckets and some kind of strings towards the plants. Looks like slimy tentacles of a creature living there...🦑 Or is it a science based system, build on capillary motion (sucking the water in the bucket and transporting towards the plants via strings of paper)?!? Clever! 👩🎓👩🏫
jouandomy Posted November 25, 2018 Posted November 25, 2018 Il y a 10 heures, bigmac18 a dit : While they are away, a little question... What is growing in their bath tub?!? 😯 It looks like they moved their plants in the bath tub to prevent them from drying out. Smart move. But there is also a contraption with two buckets and some kind of strings towards the plants. Looks like slimy tentacles of a creature living there...🦑 Or is it a science based system, build on capillary motion (sucking the water in the bucket and transporting towards the plants via strings of paper)?!? Clever! 👩🎓👩🏫 That's right, I saw them do this installation a little before they left. They are not stupid at all.🌼🌳🌺 1
bigmac18 Posted November 28, 2018 Posted November 28, 2018 Today happy day. Today Nina and Kira return. This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up 1 1
jouandomy Posted November 28, 2018 Posted November 28, 2018 il y a une heure, bigmac18 a dit : Aujourd'hui, jour heureux. Aujourd'hui, Nina et retour Kira. This is the hidden content, please Sign In or Sign Up 1 😁 1 1
bigmac18 Posted November 28, 2018 Posted November 28, 2018 Are the cats already home again? Have not seen them yet...
jouandomy Posted November 28, 2018 Posted November 28, 2018 à l’instant, bigmac18 a dit : Are the cats already home again? Have not seen them yet... I don't think so, Have not seen them yet...😉
Thomazz Posted November 29, 2018 Posted November 29, 2018 Okay, the girls have arrived.... but where are my two favorite ones? When will the two cats finally get home?🐱🐱 1
bigmac18 Posted November 29, 2018 Posted November 29, 2018 CAT(S?) IS BACK! Also: Nina's hair is completely blue. And she is now doing Kira's hair. Lets see what Nina makes of it 🙂 1
sturmchaser Posted November 30, 2018 Posted November 30, 2018 Trouble in Paradise again. 😒 N&K&Doe and a new girl arrived home about 0030, and it was immediately evident Nina and Doe were at it again. Doe said something that made Nina fly into a rage and for the first time I've ever seen any of them get physical - Nina SHOVED Doe in the hallway. Kira immediately jumped into the middle of the two, otherwise I think there might have been a full-on cat fight. Doe stormed out of the apt, Nina chasing her till Kira intervened again. The new girl just sat on the couch. Pizza/sushi was delivered and everybody chowed, but I think new girl hit the road soon after. Ugh! Only two days back from vacay, and Nina has to get in a row with Doe. What IS it with those two??? 😑 1
sturmchaser Posted November 30, 2018 Posted November 30, 2018 Ooookay, now it gets even weirder! When new girl left, apparently she left to retrieve Doe - who returned to the apt. Kira poured Doe a drink - strange looking drink - and reheated some pizza in the microwave for Doe. Nina and Doe sitting on opposites corners of the couch with new girl in between, but they are having a civilized talk. Where oh where will this night lead... 😳
sturmchaser Posted December 1, 2018 Posted December 1, 2018 UPDATE: they all played a board game on the sofa, altho I have no idea what kind, but apparently it was team-based, N&K as a team vs Doe and new girl as a team. It looked like Doe and new girl won, but Nina really wasn't into playing the game anyway, she looked quite bored. Now it's 0415 Pete time, Doe and new girl (haven't nicknamed her yet) are on the sofa-bed, and Doe is talking her ear off. I think new girl just wants to sleep, but Doe is worked up and quite animated. Maybe it was espresso in those little shot glasses they had earlier LOL. I doubt she will sleep well tonight - er, morning. If only I could hear what she was saying! But audio SUCKS in that apt. N&K are both fast asleep in the bedroom with Butch. I doubt Doe and new girl are an item, otherwise they would be cuddling, so just put that out of your minds, you pervs LOL. Can't wait to see what the morning - er, afternoon, holds. New girl is kinda cute, gap-tooth, definitely les, but cute nonetheless, and has a near-full sleeve of tatts on her arm - left? - I think. I like her short haircut. I won't bother blessing her with a nickname until I see her appear again. Obviously Doe has no problem sharing a sofa-bed with others. Kira's brother, then Natalya, and now this new girl. Hmmmm, if I took a bushcraft journey to St. Pete, do you think I could stay at the N&K Hostel on the sofa-bed with Doe? Non-puritanical, of course 😁 😛 😈 1
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