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Leora & Paul General Chat Topic 2019 #6

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If you were fortunate to remember our princess during her deep cleaning of the apartment the other day I know you remember her on her hands and knees cleaning the kitchen with no panties on, so I'm continuing my wish is that sometimes she plays with Eva that way on her hands and knees like she used to do instead of sitting on the edge of the couch and remember it's just a wish and a desire that I like to see more of

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Once again I have access to Wifi for a few hours today, so took the opportunity to catch up with CC, although I am still unable to see RLC until my return late on 18 March.

What strikes me is that some people are still not happy with the performance levels of The Little One and the continued presence of Paul, who it is thought " cramps " her opportunity to express herself.......Judging by comments it seems as though she is bating possibly more than she did prior to Paul's " retirement ", but there seems to be some concern and possible dissatisfaction on the quality and length of the action.

My opinion is that things have moved on significantly since he decided to take a gamble on self employment, but we shouldn't distort the fact that he lives with The Little One, and as such has priority over her attention and affection. Whatever we think is of no consequence, she for whatever reason loves the guy, and as a very intelligent woman sees things about him that suits her and makes her feel secure.

He has accepted that she has her needs sexually, and as far as I could see prior to my vacation, he allowed her to fulfill her commitments and satisfy both herself and us without too much problem.

Yes, It would be nice if she could spend longer on her sessions, and wonderful if she could commit to at least one erotic dance session in the GR on a weekly basis, but it is for her to decide as and when she does anything in her life. She is constantly evolving and trying new techniques of gratification, which helps alleviate the possibility of boredom for herself and us, and long may she continue to do so.

The presence of Paul, although irritating, is a small price to pay for the undoubted pleasure this woman brings to many people including myself.

Appreciate her while you can guys, 'cause you won't see another one like her for a long time. 😻🏝


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