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Leora & Paul General Chat Topic 2019 #9

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Is a travesty for one so nice, free spirited, friendly, and down to earth to seem to be hindered or held back from expression as often as has seemed to have occurred from one not as compatible it has seemed. It seems to be an unfortunate situation.

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Today she is very tired ... All morning cleaning the dogs and giving protection for the cold ... Leora is exhausted today ... Now rest and tomorrow you will see things in another way ... I will continue watching you because I like to see you ... Kisses

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1 hour ago, raul399 said:

Today she is very tired ... All morning cleaning the dogs and giving protection for the cold ... Leora is exhausted today ... Now rest and tomorrow you will see things in another way ... I will continue watching you because I like to see you ... Kisses 


Or she is simply annoyed and longs for something else z.b 15-20 cm and high performance athlete genes

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