naiger Posted May 14, 2019 Posted May 14, 2019 abbiamo capito che questa coppia tutta la settimana resta da sola poi quando arriva il fine settimana che arrivano degli ospiti sperando che facciano qualcosa invece se n'è vanno per tutto il fine settimana...
nadiuska Posted May 14, 2019 Posted May 14, 2019 Dick è strano, sembra assente.Forse pensa alla piccolina, ma comunque non ha in mente Jane. Jane è zitta zitta, non si avvicina nenche a cercare di fargli un pompino come fa la mattina o alla sera a letto.... si vede conosce bene Dick e quindi lo lascia stare....
rebliz Posted May 15, 2019 Posted May 15, 2019 On 5/13/2019 at 12:12 PM, charliefoxx69 said: Yes, they both went out and had their weekend freedom now it's back to reality. I wonder what Jane thought as she cleaned up the wine glasses from Dick's little party and saw that the bed was as they left it when they left for the weekend. You have a little mistake she didn't cleaned wine (maybe it's was wine that she wanted to clean) when she kneeled to the floor she cleaned blood she is on her period if you noticed she run to the bathroom put something and put on panties
rebliz Posted May 15, 2019 Posted May 15, 2019 16 hours ago, franklin said: One thing is crystal clear - she is very much in control. Whatever happens in the future between Katia and Dick will always be on her strict terms. When she got annoyed with Dick after the unscheduled interruption, I'm pretty sure it was because her carefully laid step-by-step plans for the seduction had been blown away. I'm also intrigued by the fact that Dick is particularly careful to ensure that any groping is always on top of Katia's clothing, and he's made no real attempt to get underneath or remove it in camera view. Without a doubt, Katia had invited Dick to move on to the next step on Friday evening by removing her bra from under her shirt and waving it in front of him. But that's when he blew it... Katia has almost certainly already laid the ground rules, and Dick is very aware that if he breaks them, he gets cock-blocked. To be continued, indeed! I wonder if a major TV network could make this into a mini-series... Agree every word is gold
charliefoxx69 Posted May 15, 2019 Posted May 15, 2019 4 hours ago, rebliz said: You have a little mistake she didn't cleaned wine (maybe it's was wine that she wanted to clean) when she kneeled to the floor she cleaned blood she is on her period if you noticed she run to the bathroom put something and put on panties I was talking about the wine glasses Dick left out when she originally arrived home. She stood in the kitchen looking at what he had not cleaned up before he and Katia left the other night.
xenontrioxide Posted May 15, 2019 Posted May 15, 2019 A bit of acrobatic (and enthusiastic) sex on the Pilates ball, followed by Jane licking Dick's dick clean, carefully posed by him in front of the living room free-cam.
nadiuska Posted May 15, 2019 Posted May 15, 2019 Giochino veloce, non molto intenso da parte di Dick..... ma d'altra parte Jane dopo una doccia è uscita di corsa da casa...... Quindi Dick solo::::
franklin Posted May 15, 2019 Posted May 15, 2019 Il y a 2 heures, nadiuska a dit : Giochino veloce, non molto intenso da parte di Dick..... ma d'altra parte Jane dopo una doccia è uscita di corsa da casa...... Quindi Dick solo:::: So.... if they are both in a horny mood, will Jane be bringing anyone back to join the fun?
nadiuska Posted May 15, 2019 Posted May 15, 2019 Jane rientra. Jane è fedele , è lui che la coinvolge in triangoli. Jane si è lasciata andare, ubriaca, con un amico di una amica (che io credo però sia sua sorella) ma solo a livello petting a lei, pompino a lui, ma niente sesso... Poi è arrivato Dick e si è vendicato sull'amica ( o sorella ?????
rebliz Posted May 15, 2019 Posted May 15, 2019 The big expectations from this couple discovered as big flop 1
charliefoxx69 Posted May 16, 2019 Posted May 16, 2019 9 hours ago, nadiuska said: Jane rientra. Jane è fedele , è lui che la coinvolge in triangoli. Jane si è lasciata andare, ubriaca, con un amico di una amica (che io credo però sia sua sorella) ma solo a livello petting a lei, pompino a lui, ma niente sesso... Poi è arrivato Dick e si è vendicato sull'amica ( o sorella ????? Jane has been the one who gets these girls to hang out. But it at times has come back to bite her and left her in tears. He enjoys it but not as much as he did at the start (Jewel) is a perfect example of that. There has been no sex between them at all for quite some time. Jane has not encouraged it either.
nadiuska Posted May 16, 2019 Posted May 16, 2019 Anche stanotte calmi. Al mattino Dick freddino esce e va al lavoro.... peccato, coppia un pò in crisi (più che altro lui...)
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