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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 June #3

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Ariela and Olya   I wish you both a safe and happy trip. to where ever life is taking you now .the both of you was a great addition to his house .and I hope the both of you enjoyed your stay here as must as I have enjoyed watching you. I hope to see both of you lovely ladies come back .some time you will always be welcome here ...so I would like to take this time to say..text thank you GIF by MillMotionfor sharing part of you life with us .  you will be missed here.  so now is time to say good bye for now. MISS ARIELA and MISS OLYA                  heart love GIF

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so I take it that Ariela and Olya have left the building?  i wish i could have watched Ariela on a daily basis but that's never going to happen again no matter who shows up or how fine they may be.

I'm caught up and would just like to say Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there.  I hope you spend today with the ones that really love you!!

P.S.  Alladino, i have nothing to go on with the restart of Kristy's apartment other than there are MILFS there.........I love a more mature woman and that will always be one thing I miss about not being a member of RLC.  Thank you for the Happy Father's Day and Happy Father's Day to you as well......enjoy your day my friend!!

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6 hours ago, Sergio said:

Olya and Ariela, they left, peace to their soul

RLC in order to save money, fired the person in charge of keeping names and room assignments up to date

Samantha, Olya, and Ariela really never left  😏

Oh well, it is Father's day in the US---so happy Father's day anyway to all dad's wherever you might be. :biggrin:

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