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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 July #6

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12 hours ago, SierraTM said:

Yep precisely, everything is a show on RLC. The girls themselves know it too.

The only time the girls start to behave 'normally' is when they are out of view from the cameras or outside of the house.

But you can argue that some girls, like Damira, Gina & Valerie, can still behave rather freely & naturally in front of the cameras but that is because of their personalities. 

Damira in the same sentence as naturally...really Sierra 😏

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2 minutes ago, ektomo said:

Wish it was in Fiby's (Phoebe should have been the spelling...arggh) room cos the cameras in Damira's are shit.

This is the first time for them being together so nothing more than the massage may happen anyhow.  Give them time.  Damira is going for a clean sweep in B4 and Fiby is the last one she needs to seduce.  She's doing a good job so far

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12 hours ago, SierraTM said:

Hahahaha for you maybe, for me I am not too happy to know that he is leaving.

I think it is always good to have boys around the apartments. Not just in the couples' apartment.

My opinion of cos.

Apologies if I'm duplicating any posts here, but I'm just catching up now and working my way thro the thread...3 days, or whatever it was, is enough for 'The Rock'. Last night was a total set up. The same show as the last time he was here, just 2 different co-stars...I left them and went to bed, I'm afraid...

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11 hours ago, SierraTM said:

Actually I am not sure, but i will love for either or both of them to do something with Rocco if Megan does not mind.

It would never happen..just like last time he was here. The girls could've done that in their own room but doing it with Megan and the Rock would get more hits because of a 'suggestion' of a 4 some...Simple as...

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4 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

i also have to say that there is not one girl that has ever been through the doors of RLC that is not a liar and a cheat.  Anabella is supposed to really be in love and has a bf back home but last night she cheated just like i knew she would, and i'm sure Debby also has a boyfriend and she cheated as well.  there is 3 things i can't stand in this world and that's a liar, cheater, and a thief!!

I'm not too keen on UK politicians right now either...

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4 minutes ago, nagachilli2 said:

Non sarebbe mai happen..just come l'ultima volta che è stato qui. Le ragazze potrebbero aver fatto nella propria stanza, ma farlo con Megan e la Rocca otterrebbero più colpi a causa di un 'suggerimento' di un 4 po '... Semplice come ...

It's amazing how you all say the same thing every day😂 EVERYTHING is a show, seeing natural things doesn't make you money, the rest is almost like a surprise to you all

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