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Piper & Hunter (2019) Part #2

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3 minutes ago, squish said:

Hopefully they will learn some new tricks as well. I like jaffa cakes (so does Ash but that's another story). However, if I was fed a jaffa cake every day, the novelty and pleasure would soon wear off.

Yeah I agree and there was that evening they had with Paisley and Cletus a while ago when I thought there might be possibilities for the future but then the shit hit the fan with P&C.Do you know what happened their?I am a huge fan of the beautiful Piper but they do need to step up their game but of course only if they want to.

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2 minutes ago, Dave 27 said:

Yeah I agree and there was that evening they had with Paisley and Cletus a while ago when I thought there might be possibilities for the future but then the shit hit the fan with P&C.Do you know what happened their?I am a huge fan of the beautiful Piper but they do need to step up their game but of course only if they want to.

Not very much by all accounts. Speaking of Piper I am pretty sure that that annoying pop up that appears advertising VH underwear is being modelled by Piper. You cant see the face but i recognise the same slender thighs.

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Just now, Robwin said:

I take that is the scotch spelling of optimistic 😁😁😁 obviously lost the dictionary loool

Ok smartass,first of all Scotch is Whiskey,Shortbread,etc,etc.Scottish is the word you are looking for.

Secondly I deliberately dropped the s out of optimistic in reply to Just's reply.Check it out and all will be revealed.If it is too complicated to understand feel free to ask and I will walk you through it.😀😀😀😀😀

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5 minutes ago, Dave 27 said:

Ok smartass,first of all Scotch is Whiskey,Shortbread,etc,etc.Scottish is the word you are looking for.

Secondly I deliberately dropped the s out of optimistic in reply to Just's reply.Check it out and all will be revealed.If it is too complicated to understand feel free to ask and I will walk you through it.😀😀😀😀😀

Fathoming out your intentions is too deep for me lool

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3 minutes ago, Robwin said:

Fathoming out your intentions is too deep for me lool

Don't give me that crap,you reacted to Just's post which explained everything.

And you have conveniently not mentioned your Scotch/Scottish error.

You can't bullshit the bullshitter pal lool 😀😀😀😀

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Geeze. Looks like this thread is turning into an official CamCaps Spelling Bee! 🤣

Worry not, this thread will return to regularly scheduled programming when Piper & Hunter reappear.

(I hope.)


Geeze. Tha coltas gu bheil an snàithlean seo a ’tionndadh a-steach gu CamCaps litreachaidh oifigiúil! 🤣 [Briog is slaod gus gluasad]

Duilich nach eil, bidh an snàithlean seo a ’tilleadh gu prògraman àbhaisteach nuair a nochdas Piper & Hunter a-rithist.

(Tha mi an dòchas.)


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1 hour ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

Geeze. Looks like this thread is turning into an official CamCaps Spelling Bee! 🤣

Worry not, this thread will return to regularly scheduled programming when Piper & Hunter reappear.

(I hope.)


Geeze. Tha coltas gu bheil an snàithlean seo a ’tionndadh a-steach gu CamCaps litreachaidh oifigiúil! 🤣 [Briog is slaod gus gluasad]

Duilich nach eil, bidh an snàithlean seo a ’tilleadh gu prògraman àbhaisteach nuair a nochdas Piper & Hunter a-rithist.

(Tha mi an dòchas.)


Didn't see the Gaelic coming Wow!! And me a Scot that cannot speak it.

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I'm sorry, but I'm not a fan of this apartment; their first place was boring, this one was even worse and I presume the next flat will be extremely boring too, same like Clara, Lisa, Kenneka and few others; I want to watch maniacs and wild behaviors 😀 goodbye;

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