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Leora - General Chat Topic November 2019 #11


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Guest Felix75
30 minutes ago, ze81 said:

To bad i don't understand French,would like to understand what the users above said.Think is about Paul and Eva..that's one of the reasons i don't think she will stay so much time,don't imagine her one year not stay in with Paul and Eva.And as i said,i would like to see her in a normal situation,were she would have diferent routines,Eva with her etc.All this can be surpassed with or Paul and Eva visit(for Christmas for exemple)or her going see them,is not because is Leora that i think she wouldn't be able to stay one year apart from family,would feel the same about any other girl resident in similar situation.

Well, I think each participant has his own reasons and decisions where to stay, how much and when.  And also talking about their comfort on the basis of personal subjectivity is also stupid.  It shows that she is quite happy.  And she doesn’t have a family as we know, and she constantly communicates with friends on Skype.  If she is here, then it suits her.  As for Paul, I have already said and will say it again.  I think that all their communication is only about the dog.  We don’t know why Eve didn’t come. But I’m sure that if there was an opportunity, Leora would take her with her.

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12 minutes ago, Felix75 said:

Well, I think each participant has his own reasons and decisions where to stay, how much and when.  And also talking about their comfort on the basis of personal subjectivity is also stupid.  It shows that she is quite happy.  And she doesn’t have a family as we know, and she constantly communicates with friends on Skype.  If she is here, then it suits her.  As for Paul, I have already said and will say it again.  I think that all their communication is only about the dog.  We don’t know why Eve didn’t come. But I’m sure that if there was an opportunity, Leora would take her with her.

i think the only reason is that she is being well,don't think her or anyone else would be truly happy alone and far from her family(that although we never seen them she for sure have parents at aleast),regard all the videocalls with Paul is hard for me to believe that is only about the dog,till now i didn't  seen any indication they are separated.

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Guest Felix75
11 minutes ago, ze81 said:

i think the only reason is that she is being well,don't think her or anyone else would be truly happy alone and far from her family(that although we never seen them she for sure have parents at aleast),regard all the videocalls with Paul is hard for me to believe that is only about the dog,till now i didn't  seen any indication they are separated.

 Video calls were with her friends.  Paul has not been there for 2 months.

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23 minutes ago, ze81 said:

i think the only reason is that she is being well,don't think her or anyone else would be truly happy alone and far from her family(that although we never seen them she for sure have parents at aleast),regard all the videocalls with Paul is hard for me to believe that is only about the dog,till now i didn't  seen any indication they are separated.

She only has a father, her mother died when she was younger.

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14 minutes ago, Felix75 said:

 Video calls were with her friends.  Paul has not been there for 2 months.

So Paul abandoned the dog and Leora put the dog with friends of her,sorry but doesn't make sense,both love the dog.But lets agree to desagree,seems we have very different views of things in this specific isue,i acept your opinion and keep mine.

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10 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

She only has a father, her mother died when she was younger.

Sorry for her,hope at least the father is still with her and it's supportive,maybe brothers also,uncles,cousins,friends.We see so little of this residents in cams in those regards,special the family part and even friends because many(with reason)don't wish to apear in cams.

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13 minutes ago, ze81 said:

So Paul abandoned the dog and Leora put the dog with friends of her,sorry but doesn't make sense,both love the dog.But lets agree to desagree,seems we have very different views of things in this specific isue,i acept your opinion and keep mine.

C'est elle qui a abandonné le chien, Paul l'a gardé.

il y a quelques semaines elle a appelé Paul pour voir Eva en facecam, et il n'y avait aucuns sentiments amoureux dans leurs voix, c'était juste basique.

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4 hours ago, daerjohn2015 said:

I don't think L and P are still a couple




I personally don't care whether they are still a couple or not, it's their business. Who knows what or if there relationship is, they could have an arrangement for her to do as she wishes whilst she is away from Russia, he knows how highly sexed she is, and is possibly being pragmatic about it, should she choose to do so with another guy.

She has never really needed anybody, she is an introvert and believe it or not quite a shy person ( I know it's difficult to believe )so I don't see her having any problem living on her own if she so chooses.

I don't think anyone should be fooled by The Little One, she may come across as vulnerable and timid, but she is a very strong willed person, very opinionated ( like us all ) and not a soft touch for anybody... 

I think that if she wanted a man she would have one, ( and why not ) although right at this moment I am not convinced that she is in another relationship, she may of course be attracted to or flirt with a guy or two for the sake of her ego, but I am not so sure she would want the hassle of a relationship on a regular basis.

What more does a girl need, she has a vivid imagination, plenty of fingers, an audience she craves for, a choice of two vibrator/dildo's and she only has to please herself.

The Little One's " Utopia "  :angel:

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