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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 - December #3

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4 minutes ago, presolone1 said:

à nagachili 2 ; il faut dire "admirateur " car je suis un homme !!!

I can understand the fact the you are wishing her to do more...and that is why you keep watching her...She might surprise you one day, and you'd hate to miss it :biggrin:

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à Nagachili2 , je ne suis pas du tout admirateur de Monica ,et même des autres filles car tout est préparé à l'avance sur rlc pour les "filles en vacances" ,pour Monica aussi son jeu de cache-cache est voulu par RLC ,et toutes les 15 filles de b1,b2et b4 de connaissent ,de toute façons mon abonnement se finit dans 2 jours et vu le nouveau tarif 45 euros je pense pas reprendre ,bon on stoppe les commentaires /

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12 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

you can rule out the BF part...he had to ask Holly when they were in the jacuzzi what her name was LMAO.....another hired dick, no doubt about it!!

It's her BF, he been there before one time.

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12 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

That is pretty much what i said this morning after reading my emails...the curly haired guy was really into Milena and if they would have been out of site of the cameras, he would have been fucking her.  I'm sure they have probably already had sex with each other outside the house and if not...they will soon!!

No way she would have done that, also she has a bf. I know we have seen other girls do it even though they have bf at home but Milena doesnt seem like the type who would do that, only flirting like she did.

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Je ne voulais plus envoyer de message comme je disais il y a 4 heures ,mais CamCaps à supprimé mon dernier message et pourquoi,????  je parlais de Monica et cela il on pas aimé . Donc comme on veut me faire taire je ne vais plus emmerder certaines personnes ,je tiens à dire à Monica 'qui va lire mon méssage car elle consulte CC, que je ne lui direz plus rien et qu"elle continue son spectacle qui ne vaut rien et que les gens aiment ,BONSOIR TOUT LE MONDE

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