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Linda & Tibor General Chat Topic 2020 #1


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25 minutes ago, adamneve said:

The hallway looks stacked, like they are planning to move out.., sorry not been on for a while .. are they leaving after or before marriage?

Everything in the hallway are stuff for their wedding

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Tibor was up well into the night (or up real early?) wedding dress stuff gone , floor cleared in living room (including music machine packed ) main bed all made up.....very tidy for guests so who knows I'm guessing this would beby  the weekend ......   what a busy hectic time and both seem happy and up for it ......  I have been watching them everytime I log on for about 2 years  and am very fond of this couple (I must admit that is not always the case with some of these match ups )   so like a 'voyeur'  proud 'uncle' I am excited for them and send my best wishes for wonderful and memorable days ahead..... and hurry back so this proud uncle can see Lindas tities bouncing along in the kitchen and in the shower  lol . I am serious for the best wishes and a perfect wedding ...

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