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Ummmmm Soup Again!!!

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The problem there is, in the UK you couldn't get a good steak if you wanted to. And gone are the days that you can stumble home from the pub and get a hot order of the best fish and chips in the world right through the window.

I thought that was just tits up.

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Then I wouldn't need a plane ticket home. I could just fart and I'd be on my way. I'd rather have a mutton chop, or mutton stew, or mutton steak, or mutton burger.

Now give me a Shephards Pie, Toad in a hole, or some other great meal, but keep the stuff that they call meat there.

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I don't think Nora is going to end up a TV chef that's for sure.

Maybe this thread can develop into a post of everyone's favourite meal.....

My choice would be 'Fish & Chips & Mushy Peas' using Haddock from the North Sea and eaten from newspaper wrapping lavished with salt and vinegar. Bliss!!!  Sadly no shop is allowed to use newspaper wrapping. Health & Safety Nazi's put paid to that!!!!

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Guest Squirrel

I don't think Nora is going to end up a TV chef that's for sure.

Maybe this thread can develop into a post of everyone's favourite meal.....

My choice would be 'Fish & Chips & Mushy Peas' using Haddock from the North Sea and eaten from newspaper wrapping lavished with salt and vinegar. Bliss!!!  Sadly no shop is allowed to use newspaper wrapping. Health & Safety Nazi's put paid to that!!!!

A) Nora doesn't want to pack on the pounds that her mum did. Daughters often follow their mother's shape. See attached photo. Mum needs to pay attention to her diet. (She also needs to lock down her VK account! It's really interesting.)

B) I think we need a discussion of booze and food over at the Old Dude's section.

C) I'm an expert at fish & chips. The Canterbury in London was probably the best; but some of the pubs in York were also excellent. We can get some great stuff here, but it absolutely must come from small restaurants. And it doesn't come wrapped in a newspaper, either. Dammit.

(FYI: the major component in US printing ink is soy bean oil. We're surrounded by environment fascist idiots. I hope their mercury-filled lights all break.)%7Boption%7D


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  • 4 weeks later...

Its 'Ummmm Soup' again for Kiko. The poor skinny bloke will never put on any weight.

Will Nora ever cook her man a good meal? If she did maybe Kiko would have enough energy to give a good fuck!!!!

Soup now until next Christmas.
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Hey, What do you say we all chip in and order a pizza for Kinko.

Van wasn't kidding, he looks almost anorexic.  His rib cage is actually protruding.   Not healthy at all.

You would think Nora would put her foot down and say something to him.

I think down deep inside he is very depressed and unhappy. I actually do feel sorry for him.

It just seems so strange to me, to be so young and yet so lifeless.

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