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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #26 2020 May

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46 minutes ago, bernt said:

Et bernt

I repect you opinion, I'm lover not a fighter, I'm not taking the bait.

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1 hour ago, Nicholas said:

   My comment was related to the topic listings subjects. It was completely relevant. IT HAD TO DO WITH THE TOPIC LISTINGS SUBJECTS OR INDIVIDUALS. Your comment in claiming it wasn't...was irrelevant. As is your comment concerning this matter because I'm not gonna discuss relevancy with someone who obviously misconstrues the meaning at their convenience.  I'm done conversing with you.

I doubt that you are, but if so, that's fine. Regardless, the fact that your post was related to the topic listings, in my view doesn't necessarily mean it is relevant.  Your insistence that Malia and Leora were performing, that it was all a show, which I disagree with, was what I found to be irrelevant simply because whether it was a show or not, it was quite enjoyable and that was the only thing relevant to me and many others. I found your comments to be an attempt to throw cold water on a moment that was quite hot.  We simply have differing opinions on the matter that probably can't be resolved, but you're giving me the last word? Thank you.

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Fun reading the last 10 pages or so. It's like two old knights fighting a duel to the death.

My money on the knight in the green to win.


canadian duel GIF

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3 minutes ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

Fun reading the last 10 pages or so. It's like two old knights fighting a duel to the death.

My money on the knight in the green to win.


canadian duel GIF

Doesn't end well for the Black Knight either.😜 



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43 minutes ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:

Fun reading the last 10 pages or so. It's like two old knights fighting a duel to the death.

My money on the knight in the green to win.


canadian duel GIF

Not me, you have to fight these kinds of things in PM, it makes reading and following very difficult while nice things happen on your screen 😟

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