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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #31 2020 May

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2 minutes ago, blas said:

como han cambiado los tiempos; no hace mucho, en este foro la discusión, estaba centrada, en la "acividad" de ELLA, si había, mas o menos luz, que no se había esforzado lo suficiente, el lugar, las cámaras, etc, etc........

ahora nos pasamos el día hablando, si tiene, o no tiene un nuevo novio, que esta todo el día al teléfono, que reina la apatía, etc, etc..........

esto, señores creo que todos sabemos donde va a llegar, la reina, cada vez tiene menos ganas de entretenernos, supongo que estará cansada, después de tantos años,no se si se agotan los argumentos, o tiene su imaginación en el chat, pero creo, que esto, ya tiene fecha de caducidad.

es mi opinión


Just now, Aussie_oi_oi said:

she's sleeping and no we talk about whatever we feel like.

In my time being here for way to many years this has been the case.

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1 minute ago, jimbo4 said:

And that digger is why us poms hold you guys in such high esteem....


6 minutes ago, Aussie_oi_oi said:


I'm not giving up on Leora, she will contact me!!!

Not a chance mate, she’s far too busy with her social commitments to fit you in...Fuck me mate! There’s only 24 hours in a day, you’re asking the impossible......If it’s a choice between her knocking a quick bate out or texting you I would choose the bate...only because she is good at multi tasking and more than capable of texting a lucky fucker like you and bating at the same time....No worries mate.😹

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These conversations remind me a lot of the time when Kammi and Kristy were in the same situation. We were all waiting on them to make out and fuck and then Kammi started seeing guys on the outside. According to her own breakfast table confessions to Kristy, she did three different guys in the same week. That began the downhill slide of their relationship and we all know that it did not end well.

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So, this morning Malia has gone back to doing her own hair, Leora seems pissed for some reason. (could be because her date brought her period on early or because I caught her reading our post on this forum). She knows that she has a problem to solve and doesn't like her choices. I agree with those who have pointed out that her new surge in popularity has mainly been because of the addition of Malia. I was always told that "You have to dance with the one who brought you to the party". 

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