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me he equivocado en alguna prediccion con leora y ahora tambien me gustaria equivocarem pero creo que ella ya tiene fecha de caducidad en RLC, me gustaria verla follar con otyro tipo en RLC, pero tambien me gustaria que fuera feliz.
haciendo caso a las conjeturas mas extremistas en este foro, si ella ha encontrado otro chico en praga y este otro chico quisiera salir en las camaras follando o le diera igual que ella siguiera exhibiendose asi en RLC, seria lo mejor para ella? Con paul empezaron los 2, pero otro chico nuevo que le diera igual que ella se exhibiera al publico asi, los que de verdad quieren lo mejor para ella, creen que ese chico seria lo mejor para ella?
para mi la verdad es que no, por eso digo que creo que ya tiene fecha de caducidad, ademas de la de su visado.
P.D.: kammi en una pelicula porno lesbica??? donde esta eso? pagaria por verla jajaja. PM quien quiera decirme donde esta jajaja 

I was wrong in some prediction with Leora and now I would also like to make a mistake but I think she already has an expiration date in RLC, I would like to see her fuck with another guy in RLC, but I would also like her to be happy.
Heeding the most extreme conjectures in this forum, if she has found another boy in prague and this other boy wants to go out on the cameras fucking or he doesn't care if she keeps showing herself like this in RLC, would it be the best thing for her? With Paul they started the 2, but another new boy who did not care that she was exhibited to the public like this, those who really want the best for her, believe that this boy would be the best for her?
For me the truth is that no, that's why I say that I think that it has an expiration date, in addition to that of your visa.
PS: Kammi in a lesbian porn movie ??? where is that? I would pay to see her hahaha. PM whoever wants to tell me where he is hahaha




it will be interesting to see how long it will take for the authors of conjecture, speculation, and innuendo's. To create another thirty one pages of the same old, same old script according to what is not known. Outside of the apartment.  Or believing what has been heard, from one side of a phone conversation, that has at best, been semi accurately, translated.

If one would be looking for authors of a "soap opera" .  I know of absolutely no place else where a collection of potential authors are amassed. Spewing examples of their ingenious imaginations. 

Evidently factual posting is an unheard concept, in this thread. 

Have a good day !

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6 minutes ago, scutus said:


it will be interesting to see how long it will take for the authors of conjecture, speculation, and innuendo's. To create another thirty one pages of the same old, same old script according to what is not known. Outside of the apartment.  Or believing what has been heard, from one side of a phone conversation, that has at best, been semi accurately, translated.

If one would be looking for authors of a "soap opera" .  I know of absolutely no place else where a collection of potential authors are amassed. Spewing examples of their ingenious imaginations. 

Evidently factual posting is an unheard concept, in this thread. 

Have a good day !

I concur Scutus, and thats something in itself, as we don't very often. I hope it doesn't become a habit 😹

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17 minutes ago, marxsolita said:

me he equivocado en alguna prediccion con leora y ahora tambien me gustaria equivocarem pero creo que ella ya tiene fecha de caducidad en RLC, me gustaria verla follar con otyro tipo en RLC, pero tambien me gustaria que fuera feliz.
haciendo caso a las conjeturas mas extremistas en este foro, si ella ha encontrado otro chico en praga y este otro chico quisiera salir en las camaras follando o le diera igual que ella siguiera exhibiendose asi en RLC, seria lo mejor para ella? Con paul empezaron los 2, pero otro chico nuevo que le diera igual que ella se exhibiera al publico asi, los que de verdad quieren lo mejor para ella, creen que ese chico seria lo mejor para ella?
para mi la verdad es que no, por eso digo que creo que ya tiene fecha de caducidad, ademas de la de su visado.
P.D.: kammi en una pelicula porno lesbica??? donde esta eso? pagaria por verla jajaja. PM quien quiera decirme donde esta jajaja 

I was wrong in some prediction with Leora and now I would also like to make a mistake but I think she already has an expiration date in RLC, I would like to see her fuck with another guy in RLC, but I would also like her to be happy.
Heeding the most extreme conjectures in this forum, if she has found another boy in prague and this other boy wants to go out on the cameras fucking or he doesn't care if she keeps showing herself like this in RLC, would it be the best thing for her? With Paul they started the 2, but another new boy who did not care that she was exhibited to the public like this, those who really want the best for her, believe that this boy would be the best for her?
For me the truth is that no, that's why I say that I think that it has an expiration date, in addition to that of your visa.
PS: Kammi in a lesbian porn movie ??? where is that? I would pay to see her hahaha. PM whoever wants to tell me where he is hahaha


Check you message. Let me know what you think.


I think it's great to have a forum where people talk about what is happening in the apartments rather than what they had for breakfast or their latest hernia operation. Or worse yet they find pleasure in demeaning the actors and trolling the posts of fellow forum members while calling them a bunch of bad names most of the time..

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por alusiones:

repito y repetiré,  que este es un foro abierto, que en el se pueden verter las opiniones que uno tenga, sobre el tema,unas veces serán buenas; y soy el primero en aplaudirlas y otras serán malas y seré también, el primero en criticarlas, siempre sobre el respeto mutuo,por que es mi punto de vista y mi opinión, así lo quiero reflejar en este foro, hay tonterías mayores, que este foro, repito foro, se dicen y nadie las critica. 

el apartado de club de fans, aun no se ha creado, con lo cual la zona de culto esta sin hacer.

siempre al final de mis escritos, digo que lo que esta escrito es mi opinión, que ustedes pueden, o no, compartir pero no llegar a males mayores

gracias por leerme

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5 minutes ago, philo said:

I think it's great to have a forum where people talk about what is happening in the apartments rather than what they had for breakfast or their latest hernia operation. Or worse yet they find pleasure in demeaning the actors and trolling the posts of fellow forum members while calling them a bunch of bad names most of the time..


1 minute ago, blas said:

for allusions:

I repeat, and I will repeat, that this is an open forum , where you can share your opinions on the subject, sometimes they will be good; and I am the first to applaud them and others will be bad and I will also be the first to criticize them, always about mutual respect, because it is my point of view and my opinion, so I want to reflect it in this forum,  there is greater nonsense, than this forum , I repeat forum , they say themselves and nobody criticizes them. 

The fan club section has not yet been created, so the worship area is not done.

always at the end of my writings, I say that what is written is my opinion , that you may, or may not, share but not reach greater evils

thanks for reading me

Opinions have absolutely  no validity if they are based on conjecture, innuendos or story tales. 

This thread is titled Leora, Malia General Chat Topic. It does not say  NO Leora Supporters Allowed !

That is MY Opinion 

1 minute ago, scutus said:

Las opiniones no tienen absolutamente ninguna validez si se basan en conjeturas, insinuaciones o cuentos. 

Este hilo se titula Leora, Malia General Chat Topic. ¡No dice que   NO se admiten seguidores de Leora!

Esa es mi opinión 

precisamente; por eso se llaman opiniones,y...aquí, que yo sepa, lo que todos el mundo dice, son opiniones, incluso, las suyas; si tuvieran validez, fueran demostrables, estoces se llamarían teoremas,o en algunos casos dogmas de fe.

no voy a entrar si usted es mas seguidor que yo de leora, porque eso también estaría por demostrar

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What I post about this apartment is based on what is seen in the apartment  ONLY.  I do not shadow Leora outside of the apartment. Any posts of activities outside of the apartment, are at best, the result of the jaded ideas the story tellers. 

Feeding the gullibility of the readers of the forum.  

By your word usage. I believe this demonstrates a theorem. 

Thank you for the correct word usage.


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