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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #36 2020 June

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26 minutes ago, happyone said:

IMO PF has not posted anything derogatory against anyone--RLC, the participants, or anyone in CC.  He just post a lot of emojo's and happy thoughts (of which of course I approve of)--his posts are simple and I think his way of saying

be happy --stop the bad posting.  If you do not think it is necessary--then like the Mods have said--use your ignore function--so you do not have to see his posts.  He is not hurting anyone by posting in this thread.  

Much better than being negative all the time.  

   There is nothing wrong literally with the posts. The meaning of the messages have obviously been only meant to have been done in attempting to relay good thoughts and meanings. I believe part of the point that was trying to be conveyed was how much of it has been very nearly the exact same messages over and over for months now with very little to no change in many of them. I can understand someones opinions of such, although they really have not bothered me. Some at times, I have actually found some humor in.

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este foro es para hablar, protestar, opinar, suponer, prejuzgar,incluso...enfadandonos, con ellas, basándonos siempre,  en el respeto por las partes y de las partes.

los asuntos personales que cada uno tenga, con los demás...no es aquí el sitio para resolverlos.

si es verdad que leora lee este foro; imagínense ustedes, lo que estará pensando

es mi opinión

gracias por leerme

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We all frequent these hallowed halls for various reasons, I personally enjoy most of the opinions of fellow members and also the “ banter “ that goes on between each other most of the time..

Some people come on here for the company and companionship that is generated generally, I’m not stating that it’s the reason PF does, I wouldn’t know his reasons,  but he never has a bad word to say about another human being, he often repeats himself but not to the point of causing offence, but unlike some people he puts a smile on my face, and in today’s fucked up world that’s an achievement in itself...😹

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29 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

We all frequent these hallowed halls for various reasons, I personally enjoy most of the opinions of fellow members and also the “ banter “ that goes on between each other most of the time..

Some people come on here for the company and companionship that is generated generally, I’m not stating that it’s the reason PF does, I wouldn’t know his reasons,  but he never has a bad word to say about another human being, he often repeats himself but not to the point of causing offence, but unlike some people he puts a smile on my face, and in today’s fucked up world that’s an achievement in itself...😹

Totally agree.

If you are unhappy and it offends you just use the ignore feature. I was at first annoyed by PF, but I took a little time to reflect on my past anger and decided none of this has any impact on my life so really no reason to be angry.

I will continue to defend the girls as long as I am here. Criticize if you want just don't be so blantly nasty. She's not able to post here because of RLC rules so I try to be her voice using conversation I have had with her in the past.

Ass kisser and supporter of Leora sure why not I will where that with a badge of honor.

Fyi jimbo nothing was directed at, to, or about you.


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